
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I'm Thankful I Stumbled Upon!

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni and Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the girls over at The Broke and the Bookish! Make sure to check these ladies out if you haven't already. Today we could choose anything Thanksgiving themed. So today, I'm going to be listing the top ten books I've found this year that I am thankful for! These are in no particular order. Here we go!

10.) Unearthly Trilogy by Cynthia Hand
I read the Unearthly Trilogy way back in January and absolutely loved it! It isn't a stereotypical "angel" book and was actually really moving! I'm pretty sure I cried multiple times each book. I had the amazing opportunity to meet the author as well and got my books signed!

9.) That Boy by Jillian Dodd
That Boy has actually been a book I've been looking at getting ever since I got my Nook about four years ago. I finally bought it and it did not fall short of the hype and anticipation I had! I do want to read the second one, so fingers crossed I'll buy that one sooner than I did the first!

8.) Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer
I heard about Between the Lines when its companion novel, Off the Page, was getting so much buzz on booktube. I decided to pick this one up, and I was thrown into an amazing world. The illustrations and story is spot on and intrigued me from the get go! Want to know more of my thoughts? Check out my review here!

7.) Every Last Promise by Kristin Halbrook
Every Last Promise is literally a book that I have heard nothing about on both the blogging and booktube community. I stumbled upon this at my local library, and I got more than I was expecting. It is a hard hitting contemporary novel with dark themes of abuse, and it was really great to see read something so well done.

6.) Angelfall by Susan Ee
Angelfall is a dark young adult paranormal fantasy. Needless to say, I completely loved this book. Back when I read it, I felt like it was near perfect, so I am really hesitant to pick up the sequel. Check out my review where I basically fangirl and freak out over how good this novel is!

5.) Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon
Nicola Yoon debuted her first novel with Everything, Everything and what I got in return was basically everything. The writing and story was just amazing and I'm so happy that I got the chance to read this book. Also, can we talk about this cover? SO. GOOD.

4.) The Pact by Karina Halle
The Pact is one of my favorite New Adult books I have read this year. It follows two best friends for about a nine year period and how they both have had feeling for each other for that time period. Best friends falling in love is one of my favorite things to read about, and this was amazing. Check out my review here!

3.) The Book of Ivy by Amy Engel
The Book of Ivy is one of the best dystopians I have read. It is the first in a dystopian duology, and I cannot wait to read the final book, The Revolution of Ivy, which is out now. A good and original dystopian instead of a run of the mill one is definitely something to be thankful for in the book community. Here is my review! It's pretty bad because it was one of my first posts, so oh well! Haha :)

2.) Unethical by Jennifer Blackwood
One of my favorite new adult novels this year as well! The story is centered around future doctor Payton and her ex Blake as they are applying for medical school. There are tons of other big subplots in the book, but I don't want to say too much! The story is best to read without knowing too much.

1.) Cat Street by Yoko Kamio
In all honesty, I'm not just thankful for Cat Street, but actually Yoko Kamio in general. I read Cat Street earlier this year in entirety, and have read a portion of her other well known manga series Boys Over Flowers. I had to take a break because it was taking up all of my reading, but I am so thankful I found Yoko Kamio and her series!

That's it for today! What books are you guys thankful for? Another thing I am thankful for is you guys! I'm so thankful for each and everyone one of you and the fact that you take the time to read my posts. Thank you so much and I'll see you guys soon with another post! To anyone having breaks this week, I hope you guys have fun! Love you all!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!