
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Books That Broke the Trope in 2015

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni and today I'll be continuing on with recaping my 2015 year, one post at a time. This time I am showcasing some books that proved to break the box and actually be original. Instead of following Formula A, these books broke the trope that most novels fall into. 

A Love Trapped In Time by Bree Wolf
The Trope It Broke: Relying on a contrived paranormal/fantasy excuse to explain all the weird things that happened
My Rating: 4 Stars
Throughout this novel, really weird stuff is happening to Jena. When she wakes up, she is shocked to see that four years have passed. Even more strange is that this keeps on happening to her. The common explanation for this sort of ordeal would be that something paranormal is occurring, but I love the twist the Bree Wolf put on it instead. It was so original and I couldn't have guessed it in a million years.

Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer
The Trope it Broke: Having a cliche problem come between the love interests being together
My Rating: 4.4 Stars
Whenever I read a contemporary, the conflict that is separating the two love interests always seems so blown out of proportion. What I liked about this book was that the problems Delilah and Oliver faced were actual issues. Instead of petty jealousy coming between them (as is the case with a lot of contemporaries), Oliver lives in an alternate world from ours. Now that is a problem.

Angelfall by Susan Ee
The Trope it Broke: Having a heroine determined to save the whole world, a weak girl who needs saving, a heroine reliant on others, and so many more!
My Rating: 4.9  Stars
Angelfall is one of my favorite books because it wasn't cookie cutter. There are so many paranormal/apocalyptic novels out there, and this novel broke the mold. Instead of having Penryn "the chosen one" who is going to save the whole world, she's just a normal girl fighting for her sister back. She's strong, mentally and physically, and doens't need the guidance of a male to tell her what to do. Yes, Raffe is there along the way, but only to lead her to her sister. I loved seeing such a strong female lead in a young adult novel.

Boot Camp
The Trope it Broke: Having a heroine that is perfectly beautiful, skimming the issues of weight, fake or shallow friendships between women
My Rating: 3.75 Stars
In young adult, we always see the heroine being a beautiful but not realizing. What I loved about Boot Camp was that Whitney knew she wasn't ugly and didn't go to a workout camp to just lose weight. She went to the camp to gain more confidence in herself. Another thing that was really great in Boot Camp was the real representation of female friendships. Something that unfortunately happens quite regularly in young adult literature is that female friendships are portrayed as petty and fake. Here, we see Whitney's friends really come through and support her.

Book of Ivy by Amy Engel
The Trope it Broke: A main character who is "special", classic boy meets girl, insta love
My Rating: 4.5 Stars
Like Angelfall, the Book of Ivy broke the trope that the main character is special and the key to everything. Granted, she is eventually, but not because she chose to or she was born into it. Instead, she is thrust into the position quite unwillingly and I liked seeing a heroine that was unsure about herself and her goal. The relationship that occurs between Ivy and Bishop isn't cookie cutter at all. I really appreciated how hard it was for them to connect and even have a normal conversation, because love just doesn't appear out of thin air. It takes time.

Future Collection by Beth Revis
The Trope it Broke: A convenient ending
My Rating: 3.75 Stars
None of the short stories that comprise the Future Collection have a happy ending. This does call for some dark reads, but I liked that Beth Revis didn't take the easy and convenient way out of these stories. Even for some of the happier stories, there was always a twinge of something being  bittersweet.

Bon Bons to Yoga Pants by Katie Cross
The Trope it Broke: skinny girl, a girl who doesn't know she's beautiful but is, not focusing on familial relationships, not tackling weight issues
My Rating: 3.65 Stars
Much like Boot Camp, Bon Bons to Yoga Pants doesn't follow a perfect girl who just doesn't realize she is perfect. Lexie, our main character,  is actually overweight (I know! It never happens in YA!) and has a lot of internal and eternal struggles. A great thing about Bon Bons to Yoga Pants is that it doesn't just skim over familial relationships, which I see quite often in YA. Lexie's relationship with her mother and sister plays a really key roll in the novel and I loved the emphasis on family.

That's it for today guys! Have you read any of the books listed above? What are some books you read in 2015 that broke a trope? Also, what is your favorite and least favorite trope?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Releases for the First Half of 2016

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni and today I'll be participating in the weekly meme Top Ten Tuesday hosted by the lovely ladies of The Broke and the Bookish. Be sure to check them out if you haven't already.

Top Ten Tuesday is a pretty easy meme to participate in. We are given a prompt that we answer with ten books that apply to us. This week's topic is our most anticipated releases for the first half of 2016. There are some amazing books coming out in the first half of the year, let alone 2016 as a whole! These are in order of release date!

Rescued by Pheobe Rose - January 15, 2016
This might come out of nowhere, but I wanted to add at least one new adult novel into this list! New adult is one of my favorite genres because I get sucked into the story line so quickly, and based on thy synopsis, I'm expecting the same. I first heard about this on my friend Poulami's blog  Daydreaming Books, and I trust her opinion! She really liked it, and hopefully I will to. Plus, it has cute cats! What more could a girl ask for? I'm personally a dog person, but still!

Stars Above by Marissa Meyer - February 2, 2016
While the Lunar Chronicles concluded with Winter, which I read in November, Stars Above is a compilation of short stories in the same universe. There are nine short stories and five of them have never been published. I love the world of the series and can't wait to dive back into it!

Starflight by Melissa Landers - February 2, 2016
If a book has to deal with space and star-crossed romances, count me in! Starflight has both of these things including an author that I trust. I've read two of Landers's other books and I know that I'll have so much fun reading this book! The synopsis sounds right up my alley and I can't wait to get my hands on a copy! Also, I'm going to be part of the book blitz for this novel! To learn more information (anyone can join!) or sign up, click here to her website post about it!

Firstlife by Gena Showalter - February 23, 2016
Gena Showalter is known for her adult romances, but writes young adult as well. She wrote The White Rabbit Chronicles, which is one of my favorite young adult paranormal series I have read so far. Firstlife has this great premise about how there are two afterlifes you can choose once you die. I read a sample of this and was drawn right into the story.

The Winner's Kiss by Marie Rutkoski - March 29, 2016
The Winner's Kiss is the highly anticipated concluding novel in the Winner's trilogy by Marie Rutkoski. Granted, I have not read the second book (It will be the next one I read after my current read!), but I'm still looking forward to this one. I'm sure that a lot of other bloggers will have this book on their list as well.

Surge by Melissa West - April 5, 2016
Surge is actually a full novel that takes place before the the already released Taking trilogy by West. I finished the trilogy this year and was so pleased with how it ended. When I heard that a prequel novel was going to happen, I was ecstatic! I've always wondered about how everything happened, and I'm so happy to know that I will!

Let the Wind Rise by Shannon Messenger - April 26, 2016
Let the Wind Rise is the concluding novel to the Sky Fall trilogy. I read and loved the first two books and though I am upset by the cover change (they still look good, so it's all right!), I am hoping that they story is marvelous and does not fall flat. I do feel like I need a little refresher before reading this last novel, but I am still excited to see how everything is wrapped up.

A Court of Mist and Fury - May 3rd, 2016
Back when I read A Court of Thorns and Roses, the first book in this trilogy, I absolutely adored it. Now that I have had time to think about it, I do see some issues I have with the book. Still, I'm excited to see how the story progresses! The ending was really amazing and I want to see how Feyre deals with what she did.

The Crown by Kiera Cass - May 3rd, 2016
After four novels, The Crown finally concludes the Selection series. While initially a trilogy, the fourth novel was released in 2015 and followed Maxon and the winner's daughter and her selection. Though I don't love this series by any means, the plots are always pure fun and I am thrilled to see who Eadlyn picks for marriage.

The Problem With Forever by Jennifer L. Armentrout - May 17, 2016
Yet again another contemporary on the list! This edged it's way in after I read an excerpt of the book after reading Every Last Breath, the concluding novel to her Dark Elements Trilogy, via my digital library. From what I take on the excerpt and synopsis, the novel follows Mallory "Mouse" Dodge in her first year back in public high school in time for her senior year. Mouse doesn't talk often and is anxious about talking for some unknown reason, and her first day becomes even more interesting when she bumps into Rider, a boy from her past. Needless to say, I am itching to get my hands on this book!

Honorable Mentions

There are quite more than just ten books I am eagerly anticipating in the first half of 2016! Here are some quick honorable mentions that I still want to read that just didn't make the list.

Beautiful Broken Things by Sara Barnard - February 11, 2016
A novel that features hopefully healthy friendships! Imagine that in young adult!

The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury - February 23, 2016
This is a retelling of Aladdin where the genie falls in love with Aladdin instead. Jessica Khoury has been on my radar for quite a while, so I have high hopes!

My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows - June 7th, 2016
A book about Lady Jane Grey, who was historically beheaded? Count me in!

That is my Top Ten Tuesday for this week! What are some of your most anticipated releases of the first half of 2016, or 2016 in general?

Thanks guys for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Least Favorite Books of 2015

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni and today I'll be listing my least favorite books of 2015. I did something similar to this on my post about my biggest disappointments of 2015, but you'll see that my picks actually differ quite a lot! I'll only be featuring six instead of the usual ten because thankfully, I had more books that I liked than disliked in 2015!

Keep in mind that while I did not like this book doesn't mean you won't! There are a lot of people that adore the books that I dislike, and vice versa. These are in no particular order except for the last book, which is my least favorite of the year.

Remember When by T. Torrest
I barely remember anything of Remember When. Remember When is this random book I found for free on iBooks, and I therefore had no expectations. I got just another run of the mill contemporary that didn't make me root for the characters or like them. They were very cookie cutter and didn't make me feel anything.

Shadow of the Mark by Leigh Fallon
Shadow of the Mark is the sequel to Carrier of the Mark, which I read in December of 2014. The first novel was about a 3.75 star read for me, but this one was such a league lower than the first book. I didn't care for the characters as much and they seemed more annoying the second time around. The "love triangle" in this book was so poorly executed and I hated it. I think the reason this ranks as one of my least favorite books was because I had higher expectations for it.

Wanted by Kelly Elliot
When I saw this for free on the ibooks app, I immediately picked it up. The synopsis is right up my alley since it follows a verbally abused girl who falls in love with her best friend's brother. Wanted wasn't actually bad, I just couldn't suspend by disbelief. Though this is a contemporary, half way through the novel the characters were making decisions that would only occur years down the line. Instead of just seeing the two love interests get together, face some rocky moments, and get their happy ending, it happens over and over again. I was so tired of the drama by the time this book wrapped up.

Only for Him by Cristin Harbor
Only for Him was another bust for a free ebook. What made this get onto this list was the fact that I thought I was getting a fully fledged out novel and got a sorry excuse for one that topped out at 70 pages. The book ends on a cliffhanger that is trying to convince the reader to continue the series. Unfortunately, I just didn't have enough time to connect and care about the characters or plot. If this were a full novel and their was another two that finished up the series, there would be a better chance of me continuing the series.

Freak of Nature by Julia Crane
I heard about Freak of Nature through the booktube community, mainly from one channel. I started getting high expectations for it. This book is just another run of the mill sci-fi book that's free and filled with grammatical errors. The story was interesting, but I just couldn't handle the insta-love feel of this book and it didn't have any ending that compelled me to read the series.

Fill in Boyfriend by Kasie West
I don't think I can talk about this book without getting a bit angry. The more I think about it, the more I remember the bad and forget the good. The thing that surprises me the most is that even with the annoying characters and shallow plot, this made it into people's favorite lists of the year. I can't even fathom it. Obviously, this wasn't the book for me but this is a favorite among people, so go try it out if you want. The Fill in Boyfriend was my least favorite book of the year. 

That's it for today! Have you read any of these books mentioned above? If so, what did you think of them? What were some of your least favorite books of the year? If you've done a post like this on your blog, please link it down below! I'd love to check it out! :)

Thanks guys for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Best Surprises of 2015!

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni and today I'll be making a list of the best surprises of 2015! You guys seemed to really like when I recap-ed my 10 biggest disappointments, so I decided to keep with it. Down below are ten books that I had low expectations of and was happily surprised at how good they turned out to be! In fact, some of them are my favorites of this year!

If you haven't heard of these books, don't be hesitant to pick them up! I was in the same scenario and took the plunge. I am so happy that I did. These are in no particular order!

The Pact and The Offer by Karina Halle
These two are both companion novels by Karina Halle, an author I had heard nothing of until this year. I bought The Pact on a midnight whim for my Kindle and read it straight through! I was up until three in the morning because of this novel. The Pact follows best friends Steph and Linden from ages 21 to 30. They make a pact in the beginning of the novel that if they aren't married or in a serious relationship by the time they are both 30, they would get married instead.It was so fun and I loved the storyline.   Right after reading that, I picked up the Offer. The Offer features two characters that were minor characters in the first book. Both of these novels were sexy and fun! Check out my full review of The Pact here!

Him, Her, and Them by Carey Heywood
All three of these novels are part of the Him & Her Trilogy that centers around two best friends that fall in love with each other. Can you figure out that this is my favorite trope in books? Her novels aren't perfect, but are super fun! If you are looking for a quick and addicting read, check out her novels! Him and Them were my favorite two of the series. In fact, talking about these books make me want to read a couple scenes over again!

Touch Me Not by Apryl Baker
Touch Me Not has to be my biggest surprise out of all of these! What was so surprising was how professional this book came off considering it is a story featured on the Wattpad app! It was such a quick paced read and had a great balance between light and dark. There were times when I laughed out loud, and others where I cried! Please look this up on Wattpad if you are a new adult fan. I was so happy this was on of my first books I read on the app. To put it in perspective, I would pay full price for this book even though it is free.

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover
I don't know how many times I can gush about Maybe Someday without sounding too pushy, but guys. This. Book. Is. AWESOME. It is one of my favorites of the year and I could not recommend it any more. It is such a great book to read if you are just getting into new adult like I was at the time. My favorite aspect of this book besides the plot, characters, and narrative, was the focus on music. I am very passionate about music and I loved how it was a big part of this book. If you want to hear my full thoughts, check out my review where I basically just fangirl the whole time.

The Way to Never by O.E. Boroni
After reading The Beginning of Never, the first book in this trilogy by O.E. Boroni, I had pretty low expectations. If you read my review of The Beginning of Never, you would know that I had fun reading the first book, but it infuiriated me. The Way to Never took all the flaws I found in the first book and fixed them all. Every problem I had with the two main characters was basically gone becuase of the years passed between the two. I gave the first book three stars, but this one I gave four! I can't wait to finally get the third and final novel!

The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls
The Glass Castle is one of my biggest surprises of the year because of how much I loved it. The combination of it not only being a memoir, which I don't really read that often, and a book I had to read for school left me a bit hesitant. There is a massive stigma against school books, but surprisingly, everyone in my class liked it! In the end, I absolutely loved the book and would seriously recommend it to anyone.

Angelfall by Susan Ee
I didn't really have any expectations going into this post apocalyptic novel about angels. Right after reading this book, it became one of my favorites of 2015. Angelfall delivers a kick ass heroine, Penryn, six weeks after the world has gone to hell and her adventure with fallen angel Raffe as she fights to get back her little sister after her being captured. Check out my full review of Angelfall here!

Dark Elements Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout
For some reason, I had really low expecations for the Dark Elements Series. I'm always hesistant to read books about supernatural creatures that I haven't aquainted myself with yet. The Dark Elements series follows Layla, a half demon half gargoyle, and her story as she figures out what she truly is while being thrown into a great love traingle. Check out my review of the first book, White Hot Kiss, here, and the series as a whole here!

Breathe Into Me by Sara Fawkes
Breathe Into Me is one of those books you buy on impulse from Book Outlet that you know nothing about. I went into this new adult book blind and had such a fun time. This novel is drama filled to the max and I read it in one sitting! Feel for to stop on my and see my review here!

Cat Street by Yoko Kamio
I read Cat Street, an eight volume manga series earlier this year, in just about one week. The story arc is very easy to follow and though I didn't connect with the characters as much as I have in other manga series, I would still recommend this. I am still a beginner to manga, and I would say that if you are still testing the waters, Cat Street is a series you should pick up.

Those are my top ten surprises of 2015! Have you guys read any of these? What were some of your biggest surprises of 2015?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you guys soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Book Review: City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare

City of Fallen Angels was such a fun book!

I don't have much to say about a City of Fallen Angels except that it did not disappoint me! City of Glass, the third book in the Mortal Instruments series, was marvelous and I had pretty high expectations for this one. While a lot of people see City of Fallen Angels as a sort of filler book in the series, I really liked where the book took us!

One of my favorite aspects of the book was that there was a heavier focus on Simon. The love triangle between Simon, Izzy, and Maia was really fun. Simon underwent a massive change in City of Glass, and the aftermath of that was one of my favorite plot points. I have never really liked Simon beforehand in this series because I saw him as this almost useless human against the fight that was madly in love with Clary. In City of Fallen Angels, Simon is given a lot more depth and he has become one of my favorite characters. 

I loved that the relationships I was supporting in the previous novels were full blown canon. Hopefully we can see Clary and Jace more stable in their relationship now that they have figured out what was happening to Jace. Clary and Jace in general were such a great couple and I cannot wait to see their relationship blossom! Magnus and Alec were so cute. I loved the line where Magnus was telling Camille that Alec was his future. I hope that they have their happy ending at the end of the series.

Another cool thing about the book was the parallels between this and Clockwork Angel. Though I didn't love Clockwork Angel (see my review here), it was cool to see a character that was prevalent in that book still take a big part in City of Fallen Angels. I felt like Clockwork Angel made me understand the world better and I am glad I read it.

Out of all of these aspects, my favorite one was the plot in general. I loved the arising tensions between Clary and Jace. The last 100 or so pages were so good! The ending scene was break neck action and a lot was revealed. I can't wait to see how the fight continues in City of Lost Souls. Before that, I'll be reading Clockwork Prince, the second in the Infernal Devices, because I am reading all of Cassandra Clare's novels by publication date.

Though this seems like a gushing review, I didn't love this book. I liked mostly everything about it, but I only loved a couple of things. The plot was fun and kept my interest, but there was something missing that made me like it less than City of Glass. So far, City of Glass still remains my favorite with City of Fallen Angels second and City of Ashes a close third along with Clockwork Angel.

With that, I give this book

 4 out of 5 Stars!

Have you guys read any of the Mortal Instruments or Infernal Devices? What have you thought about her novels?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you guys soon with another post!

Happy Holidays everyone!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Top 5 Wednesday: Series I Want to Start!

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni and today I'm participating in Top 5 Wednesday! Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Lainey from gingerreadslainey. It is a weekly meme that gives a theme and we respond with five answers. If you're interested, check out our goodreads group here!

This prompt is series that we want to start next year. All of these five I had planned to read this year but never got around to. These are in no particular order! :)

Firebird Trilogy by Claudia Gray

It's really a shame I haven't started this series yet. This series has been on my radar before the first book was released in November. The hype of this series is unreal for this series and I hope that I will like it. If you don't know, the first book, A Thousand Pieces of You, is about Marguerite traveling through parallel worlds to find the murderer of her parents. Also, look at that cover! It's so pretty!

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

This is yet another hyped up series. I was planning on reading Red Queen right as it was released, but the buzz about this book was insane. I decided that I would just wait for it to die down just to be sure that my opinion wasn't influenced by the massive amounts of reviews flowing in. My expectations aren't that high for this book, so hopefully I won't be too disappointed! Red Queen is set in a dystopian fantasy world where people with red blood are normal humans and those with silver have super powers. Mare, our main character, realizes that she has a deadly power of her own, but she has red blood.

Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis

I've heard consistently great things about this dystopian novel. Plus, this series is only a duology, which makes me even more enticed because it is not too much commitment to get into the series. If you haven't heard about this duology, the two books follows apparent badass Lynn as she protects her one source of water after a severe drought occurs. Besides that, I don't know too much about it. I want to read the book without knowing too much and not having really any expectations.

Heirs of Watson Island by Martina Boone

I bought both A Thousand Pieces of You and Compulsion, the first book in the Heirs of Watson Island trilogy, during a book signing. A year has now come and gone since buying these books. I keep of seeing Compulsion on my shelf and really want to read this it. Once again, I don't know too much expect that the book features a age old curse that I am assuming the main character is trying to break. I've heard a lot of things about this series, mostly good but some bad, and I want to see for myself where I fall in the spectrum.

Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh

The Wrath and the Dawn had to be one of the most hyped up young adult books of 2015! People went crazy when this book came out. Though I love jumping on the bandwagon along with everyone else, I wanted the talk to go down so that my opinion wouldn't be altered. This novel is the debut novel from Renee Ahdieh and is a retelling of A Thousand and One Arabian Nights, which is much loved as well. I did actually start reading this book earlier in 2015 but had to put it down due to my schedule. Hopefully I'll get around fit in 2016!

That's it for this Top 5 Wednesday post! Sorry it was a day late. Christmas shopping and a sleepover will do that to you. :D Have you read any of the series mentioned above? What are some series you want to start in 2016?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Review: Dark Elements Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! Today I'll be doing mini reviews of the last two books and the one novella that comprises the Dark Elements series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I was going to be doing full reviews of Stone Cold Touch and Every Last Breath, the second and third books in the series, but I read them really close together and couldn't help but mention one with the other. Not only did I read the last two books in the Dark Elements series, but the novella as well. Make sure to check out my full review of the first book ,White Hot Kiss, here! 

Stone Cold Touch

Stone Cold Touch was so much fun! We definitely see the "New Moon Syndrome" where the love interest stays away from the girl to "protect" her. I thought it was really obvious what Roth was doing, and it was refreshing that Layla picked up on it as well and didn't just mope around. Though I like Roth with Layla a lot more than Zayne, seeing her in a relationship with him was really eye opening. In this book, we see more of a focus on Zayne, and I did come to really like his character. His love for Layla is so pure and his intentions are really good. The one thing I didn't like about this book was it seemed as if Layla was jerking these two guys around. She says that she doesn't know if the others love her like she loves them, but come on. I wish she had made a decision in this book instead of the third. The 'twist' didn't really surprise me either. Even though I saw it coming, it was done really well, so I can't complain too much. The last twenty percent of the novel was so good! I didn't expect what happened to Layla in that last portion, so I was on the edge of my seat. Overall, it was a really fun novel that kept me on my toes. I gave this novel 4.25 stars. My problems were only minor and I did like this one just a bit more than the first.

Every Last Breath

Concluding novels are really hard to do, but Jennifer L. Armentrout knows how to write a good one! The aspect that I liked the most of this was that Layla made her decision between Roth and Zayne fairly quickly and there was no question about it through the majority of the novel. I was really happy with who Layla picked and loved all their cutesy moments.  At the end of the book, we see promise of these two other couples, and I really liked it! My only main issue with this book is that I didn't care about the Lilith that much. I was to the point that I knew that the good guys would prevail and all that. The turning point for me is when Roth lost one of his familiars. After that, I got more into the novel. There are so many scenes in the book that I loved and I had a ton of bookmarks on my e-reader when I borrowed an copy from my digital library. This book isn't just happy go lucky for the majority. Just like the last book, I cried a little a couple times. It was a really great concluding novel that ended in a way that I really liked. I gave this novel 4.25 stars. There was also this excerpt for Jennifer L. Armentrout's upcoming novel, The Problem with Forever, and it was SO GOOD! I can't wait to read it next year! 

Bittersweet Love

After finishing the series, I still wanted one little last taste of the world and saw that Bittersweet Love was available at my library as well! Bittersweet Love was everything I needed after reading Every Last Breath. It had that fun aspect that was lost a bit in Every Last Breath, and I really adored it. This novella tells the story of Dez and Jasmine, who are married with twins in the main three books of the series. Seeing them get together was so cute and I absolutely loved their story. I think it was a good length too. The novella really gave me some insight on the Warden life, considering Layla was always ostracized from that. I gave the novella 4 stars!

Overall, the series was is one of my favorites and I know that whenever I feel a reading slump coming on, I can read a little portion of any of the three novels or the novella and get right back into reading. I actually liked this series more than the Lux series and would recommend it for anyone who likes Aremntrout's other works or paranormal romance. I had some minor issues with it, but it was a really great series and has solidified Jennifer L Armentrout as one of my go-to authors. 

That's it for today guys! What is your favorite book by Jennifer L. Armentrout? Have you read this series or her Lux series? If so, tell me what your thoughts were!

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you guys soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!