
Friday, January 22, 2016

Currently Reading/TBR: The Rose Society, Stop!, Half-Blood

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni and today I'll be showing you all what I am currently reading and what I am planning to read next.

As of right now, I just started two books: The Rose Society by Marie Lu and Stop! by Alison G. Bailey. These two could not be more different. The Rose Society, as I'm sure you know, is the sequel to The Young Elites. Stop! is a contemporary novel that is following a young woman and her first year in college. 

While the books definitely have a different feel, I'm getting really interested in each of them! I haven't read a lot of contemporary recently, and I've been feeling the need to get back into the genre. The Rose Society is a fantasy novel that has a heroic villain of sorts as the lead. Adelina, the main character, isn't good news and her enemies know it! I'm excited to see how the story progresses and Adelina evolves into a darker, stronger, scarier characters. Hollis Murphy, the main character in Stop!, is on the other side of the spectrum from Adelina. After surviving an accident that left her severely burned and almost dead, Hollis is a very insecure and unstable girl. She is not confident in herself as of the exposition. Once again, I'm excited to see her character develop into a strong young woman. 

After those two, I don't necessarily know what I want to read. I did say I wanted to read The Winner's Crime, but I don't want to force myself into reading the book. If I do, I know that I will not like it or appreciate it as much as I would just reading it on my own time. I recently just bought Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I can't get enough of her! Her books are the equivalent of what crack is for drugs. They are addicting and give me an amazing high. I can't get enough of it!

If I don't read Half-Blood, I will be reading The Fifth Wave by Rick Yancey. I planned on reading it in January, and I have a couple days left to fulfill that! The movie just came out (today actually!) and I want to read the book right before I see the movie so it is fresh on my mind. That way, I can give a review that is able to pinpoint the differences!

Have you read any of the books I am currently reading or planning to? What are you currently reading?

Thanks guys for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!