
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Made Me Cry

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni and today I'll be participating in the weekly meme Top Ten Tuesday, which is hosted by the lovely ladies of The Broke and the Bookish. Today's topic is a freebie, so we basically just make up our own topic! I wasn't going to do a TTT post this week, but I felt inspired!

I just finished watching Inside Out for the second time! This go around, I saw it with my mom and I still cried and laughed at everything I did beforehand. Sadness plays a key role in the movie, so I decided to highlight the top ten books that have made me cry. Here we go! 

10.) Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover
I decided to add this in because it is the most recent novel that has made me cry. I thankfully did not spoil myself for the twist that is in this book, and thank goodness I did not! Ugly Love made me cry a lot harder and a lot more than I expected. If you want to check out more of my thoughts, click here for my review!

9.) Something Real by Heather Demetrios
I read Something Real and the most opportune time for me. The novel really spoke to me and I am so glad I took the plunge and read it. While the plot itself isn't relatable (I don't have 12 siblings and have a TV show), the main character is. Something Real hit me hard back when I read it. 

8.) I Heart You, You Haunt Me/Chasing Brooklyn by Lisa Schroeder
These two novels are both written in verse by Lisa Schroeder. I seem to cry a lot easier when a book is written in verse and these were no exceptions. I Heart You, You Haunt Me is about the aftermath of Jackson's death and how his girlfriend, Ava, is dealing with all of it. Things get especially hairy when she keeps seeing his ghost. Chasing Brooklyn deals with the same sort of issue but in a more sinister way. These novels have such a special place in my heart that I reread both of them every year or so!

7.) The Summer Series by Jenny Han
Jenny Han is one of my all time favorite authors, and I don't nearly talk enough about her on this blog. I read her Summer series right as I was getting back into reading. This is one of the several series that I attribute to my passion today. The Summer series is a lot of fun to read, but is a lot deeper than what it seems. Whenever I need a quick cry, I know I can open up a part of either of the three books and I'll be good to go.

6.) Shark Girl/Formerly Shark Girl by Kelly Bingham
As mentioned above, I cry easily when reading verse novels. Both Shark Girl and Formerly Shark Girl are verse novels that tell the story of a girl trying to get her life back after a horrific shark attack. Many compare this to Soul Surfer, but this novel was written before those events ever happened!

5.) But I Love Him by Amanda Grace
But I Love Him takes a different take on the tale of an abusive boyfriend. The novel is actually written in reverse chronological order with flashbacks to the present time. I read But I Love him in one sitting and it still grips me to this day. Amanda Grace's writing truly makes the novel one of a kind and haunts me to this day. 

4.) Fruits Basket Manga by Natsuki Takaya
Fruits Basket will always hold a special place in my heart. It is the first ever manga series I read and actually finished, which gave me at the time a great sense of pride and now gives me a great sense of nostalgia. Fruits Basket really opened me up to the manga world and though I am not well traveled, I would like to think that I know my style. Not only does Fruits Basket make me cry because of my love for it, but for the traumatic things that happen as well. The series evolves as it progresses. Once the 23rd volume wraps up, its is leagues more mature than the first and in turn deals with more mature issues.

3.) Leaving Paradise by Simone Elkeles
Leaving Paradise was a novel I read right once I got my nook about four or more years ago. Since then, I've read several other novels by Simone Elkeles. However, Leaving Paradise remains my favorite as it is her darkest novel. Maggie Armstrong is crippled at the hands of her neighbor (and brother of her best friend!) Caleb Nichols after he hit her while drunk driving. Emotions run high in this novel in their rawest form as Elkeles writes a tale about pain and forgiveness. 

2.) Full Moon o Sagashite by Arina Tanemura
After watching the anime for hours upon hours and eventually finishing, I decided to pick up the original work that the show was based off of. Both the anime and manga touched me. Mitsuki dreams of being a pop singer, but her dream can never be because of her terminal illness. However, at the hands of two magical beings, everything might change. To be honest, I want to re read this because I am forgetting a lot except for the fact that I adored it.

1.) The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
Last but not least is a novel that takes the cake in this list. The Sky is Everywhere tore me up when I read it so very long ago. The novel is about Lennie and dealing with her grief after her older sister dies. While there is a love triangle, the book isn't about that. The story is about Lennie and her struggle finding a normalcy again after her sister died suddenly. This book really hit me hard and still does to this day because I saw myself and my sister in these two characters.

That's it for today guys! Have you read any of these books? What are some novel that make you cry?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

P.S. If you want to see all the other 97 books that have made me cry in the past 2 1/2 years, check out my goodreads list here!