I recently just read Be With Me last month. However, Jase's character just fell flat. I was expecting more out of a Jennifer L. Armentrout love interest. I just didn't really sympathize with him at all.
9.) Andrea from Scorched

Josh annoyed me so much! Besides Alex (he's coming soon!), Josh is my least favorite Jenny Han character. I just....ugh. I didn't like him and how he was the 'other love interest" for Lara jean in the first book of the duology.

Yet another love interest I didn't like! Once I get on a ship, I start really disliking the other love interest. This was definitely the case here. I felt that Christian was really one dimensional, and didn't really serve a purpose except in the first book.
6.) Alex Lind from Burn for Burn Trilogy

Here is the biggest reason that I do not like Ren: he's a sexist. I understand he was born in that time period, but when the book takes place its modern time. He's lived throughout the years and has seen women rights progress, so why is it so hard for him to accept that women also have valid opinions?

The reason I don't like Day and June is because I didn't feel anything for them. I've noticed that there has been a disconnect between me and Marie Lu's characters. Legend was a fun novel to read, but it didn't do anything for me.

Before you freak out, I only didn't like Daemon from Obsidian, the first book in the Lux series. I actually loved him in the third, fourth, and fifth novel. However, Daemon frustrated me to no end in Obsidian.

When I read City of Bones for the first time, I didn't really like it. Both Jace and Clary annoyed me to no end. They seemed much too juvenile and petty in the first book. However, I started liking them in City of Ashes and I adore them now!
1.) Tamlin from ACOTAR

So that was my top ten for this week! What are some characters you just don't like?
Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!