I've been wanting to do this tag ever since I saw it pop up on booktube. This is actually my first ever tag I have done and I am so excited!

Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon
Maybe it's just because I absolutely adored Everything, Everything, but I seriously want to see what happens after the end. The ending was amazing, and it left me wanting another book so I could spend some more time with the characters.
2.) Totally should've had a spin-off series

I want to know what happens to Jeremiah! Who was that girl with him at the wedding? Is he happy? How did he react to all the events in the last part of We'll Always Have Summer?
3.) An author who should totally write more books!
Lisa Schroeder

4.) A character who totally should've ended up with someone else

If any of you have read this book, you know the ending is brutal. It's not necessarily that I don't like what happened to her relationship status, but more what the characters suffered through.
5.) Totally should've ended differently

Ugh. I completely loved this series, and it seemed like the last book in the trilogy was going the way I wanted. Instead, everyone ended up with the wrong person. I really shipped two of the characters together, and instead the girl ended up with a person who has zero chemistry with her who seemed more like a brother than anything else.
6.) Totally should've had a movie franchise

Is this too much Jenny Han in one post? I can't get enough of her and it would be amazing to see any of her books into movies. I just see To All the Boys I've Loved Before as this cool indie romance with good family values.
7.) Totally should've had a TV show!
Across the Universe by Beth Revis

8.) Totally should've had only one point of view

Reached was just weird. The first book in the trilogy, Matched, was a solid opening novel. When I read Crossed, it was a major disappointment. Though this was better than the second book in the series, the multiple points of view really took away from the story and made it seem scattered.

9.) Totally should have had a cover change
Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout
This series did have a cover change, and it still didn't work out! Maybe it is just Jennifer L. Armentrout's covers in general. Out of the plethora of novels she's written, I only like two of them. Faces on covers are rarely done well, and this in not an exception.

10.) Totally should have stopped at book one
Tiger Saga by Colleen Houck
The first and second book of this series was pretty good. Maybe I read it at the right time, but I definitely did not for the last two. Plus, Ren is a major sexist and nothing about that appeals to me.
11.) Totally should have kept the original covers
Sky Fall Series by Shannon Messenger

Zhana @ Confessions of an Addict
Wendy, Tina, and Shon @ Tangled 'N' Books
Bookish Realm
Poulami @ Daydreaming Books
Cari and Haley @ My Addiction: Books
Thanks guys for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!