This week's topic is our top 5 rainy day reads. If you want to check out more about the group, visit our goodreads page!
For this, I'm going to be showing you some fun and fast paced books perfect for a day where you can't really get out. Here they are!

Did I Mention I Love You? (or DIMILY) for short, is the epitome of a quick read. It's super addicting and it'll make you need to pick up the next book ASAP. DIMILY is a young adult contemporary read, but it doesn't just touch on the romance. Check out my mini review here.
4.) Forbidden by Kimberely Griffiths Little

Armentrout is a master at writing addicting reads perfect for a rainy day. The Dead List takes the cake though! This thriller novel can actually be found on the wattpad app for free. The novel does take a dark turn or few, but it was so much fun to read. I wrote a full review for this one as well, so feel free to read it here!
2.) Defy by Sara B. Larson

1.) The Pact by Karina Halle
Last but not least is (new?) adult romance. The novel chronicles the love story of Steph and Linden, two best friends who love each other but don't have the guts to tell each other their feelings. The plot is simple enough, but I couldn't get enough of the characters! A long, long time ago I did a review of this book. You've been warned. It was in my early days when I wasn't sure how to actually write a review. :D
So that was my T5W! What are some of your rainy day reads you would recommend?
Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!