
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

March 2016 Wrap Up!

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! In March, I read 6 books. I was in a reading slump from the second half of February to the first half of March, but now I am a reading machine! I'll be listing my March reads from worst to best.

6.) Sinner (Wolves of Mercy Falls #4) by Maggie Steifvater
 I'm sad to say that I didn't like the final book in the Wolves of Mercy Falls series. It just fell short for me, as I was getting higher and higher expectations the more I thought about it. Cole and Isabel, the two main characters, didn't intrigue me as much as the previous books, so I started to find them annoying and their drama petty. However, I am glad I finally finished the series! 2.75 Stars!

5.) Mailboy by Jasmine Rose
Mailboy was such a fun read, but it wasn't anything special to me. The whole novel is featured on the wattpad app, so if you want to read it, go ahead! The book is completely fun and I would recommend it for anyone who wants to read just one more book this month, as it is so fast paced. 3 Stars!

4.) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
The only reason I didn't love this book is because I read it for school and I had required pacing. I loved the story of Huck, but the slow pacing really took away from my enjoyment. There were times where I forgot what had specifically happened, and having to constantly rush or slow down my pace hurt my overall experience. 3.75 Stars!

3.) Half Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Half Blood was fun and entertaining, but it didn't hold me as well as some of Armentrout's other works. The book reminded me of Vampire Academy the whole entire time and I just couldn't get past it. I guessed all the plot twists as well, so I wasn't every taken aback. I will be continuing on with the series, but it's not on the forefront with me.  4 Stars!

2.) Did I Mention I Love You? by Estelle Maskame
Did I Mention I Love You?, or DIMILY, is the first book in Maskame's contemporary trilogy about a girl, Eden,  who falls in love with her new stepbrother, Alex. This book got my attention within the first chapter and I couldn't stop after. DIMILY was such a whirlwind of a ride and I really enjoyed it. 4.25 Stars!

1.) Did I Mention I Need You? by Estelle Maskame
Even better than DIMILY was its sequel. I loved where the plot was taken in this, and though I do have a few faults with the novel, the characters were much more appealing because they were more mature. The ending was amazingly done, and I cannot wait until the third book releases later this year in the US! 4.25 Stars!

Other Posts from the Month!

February 2016 Wrap Up!
Totally Should've Book Tag!
Top Ten Tuesday: Characters People Love That I Just Don't Get
Adaption Talk: Shadowhunters S1E9 - Rise Up
Liebster Award!
Anticipated Spring 2016 Releases!
Cover Talk: Vampire Academy Series
Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Love But Don't Talk About
Top Five Wednesday: Books I DNF
Currently Reading: Feuds, Rebel of the Sands (March 2016)
"This or That?" Book Tag
Cover Talk: The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon
Top Ten Tuesday: My Latest Five Star Reads
Top Five Wednesday: Least Favorite Books in Finished Series 
Mini Review #2

And those were the books I read this month! What did you read?

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!