1. Give 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions set to you by the blogger who nominated you.
3. Nominate 11 bloggers to receive this award
4. Ask the bloggers you have nominated to answer 11 questions (bonus points for those who answer in a vlog).
11 Facts About Myself:

1) I'm going to be a senior in high school this upcoming school year!
2) I'm currently watching Beauty & the Beast from the CW on Netflix right now and loving it.
3) My birthstone is a Ruby.
4) I know practically every lyric to the first three Taylor Swift albums.
5) I think High School Musical is one of the best DCOMS out there and I am eagerly anticipating High School Musical 4.

6) I've never had quiche until yesterday (I loved it!)

7) I just got a couple comic books for myself yesterday that are going to be my birthday present.
8) I finished my junior year and got all A's!! Those days of staying up until 3 in the morning and waking up at 5:40 were worth it.
9) I want to be an English major in college and my dream job is to work in a publishing house.

11) I'm on season 6 of Grey's Anatomy and I stopped watching it because my favorite couple is going to break up soon and I'm not prepared AT ALL.
11 Answers:
Here are my eleven answers of Lauren's questions. Beware- I never knew I could be as awkward as I am in this video. Especially the end... I'm cringing thinking about it! Here is the link to my answers! Blogger doesn't allow videos that are over a certain size, so this was my only option. Hope it works. :)
11 Nominees:
Ashley @ [insert title here]
Czai @ The Blacksheep Project
Bookish Realm
Erika @ Books, Stars, and the Pages in Between
Jennifer @ Beautiful Spines
Denise @ The Bibliolater
Amy @ Read. Dream. Live.
Sya @ Bookish Sya
A.S. Damea @ Reviewing Dreamer
Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense
11 Questions:
1) What is your favorite movie from your childhood?
2) What is your favorite song of the moment?
3) What superpower would you want to have?
4) What's the latest book you have listened to?
5) What is your favorite candy?
6) How do you get out of a book slump?
7) Do you have any pets? If so, what? If not, what would you want to get?
8) Can you lick your nose with your tongue? (Random, I know!)
9) What is the last book that you bought?
10) What is another one of your hobbies besides reading and blogging?
11) What is your favorite book of 2016 so far?
And that is the Infinity Dreams Award!
Thanks so much for taking the time and stopping by! I'll see you soon with another post!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!