5.) Adaption Talk: Shadowhunters S1E9- Rise Up
Okay, this might seem out of nowhere, but I adore my Adaption Talk posts. They might not get the most traffic or comments, but I have so much fun doing them. This is my favorite out of all of them just because I feel like my personality really shines through in this one. I'm so glad I started doing these types of posts on my blog and I will for sure continue them!
4.) Liebster Award!
The Liebster Award isn't the first award that I received (that would be the One Lovely Blog Award), but it is one where I feel like my personality shines through the most. I always like it when I can include fun facts about myself with my readers. I hate feeling so disconnected and impersonal, and the Liebster Award did the opposite of that. Plus, being nominated for an award makes me feel so loved by the community, and this was no exception. Thanks again Lauren! <3
3.) Stacking the Shelves #1

2.) Book Review: The Unexpected Everything
I love my review post for The Unexpected Everything for two reasons. Not only do I think it is one of my most well written reviews, but I was able to connect to more people because of the unique experience I took part in. I was part of the Review Train this year, and I absolutely loved the experience. Thanks again to Brittany from Space Between the Spines for hosting such a great and unique event! I got to meet a ton of more bloggers, and it was a great way to start off the summer.

1.) Discussion: Am I Becoming Too Harsh of a Critic?
This is the first discussion post of mine where I felt like I was being coherent in my thoughts. I had done some other discussion posts beforehand, but I am the most proud of this one because I felt as if I were able to get my thoughts across clearly. This is the latest post where I have put the most effort in to, also. I got amazing feedback from it and it was definitely worth the work. :D
So those are my favorite posts! If you did a T5W this week, link it down below!
Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!