
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite 2016 Releases So Far!

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! Today I am participating in Top Ten Tuesday, a meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish. Today's topic are our favorite 2016 releases so far. To be honest, I had a hard time finding a good amount of books for this post. So Top Ten Tuesday is Top Five Tuesday for me. I just read what I want to, so half or more of what I read isn't a book published this year. Needless to say, there are only five books that I have read this year that were published in 2016 and that I would wholeheartedly recommend. 

Each link with the title is to my review, not the goodreads page! However, I have all the goodreads pages linked down below! :D

5.) Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton
This was one of my most anticipated reads of the year. Though I didn't absolutely love Rebel of the Sands, it was an excellently written novel. I cannot wait for the sequel and see what will happen next. The main character, Amani, is such a strong female lead and I loved reading from her POV. 

4.)Withering Rose by Kaitlyn Davis
I just recently finished Wtihering Rose and was taken aback by how much I enjoyed the book. The novel is a Beauty and the Beast retelling, but it has so much originality. It kept me on my toes the whole entire time and I loved how the story progressed. Plus, the romance was to die for!

3.) The Sound of Us by Julie Hammerle
The Sound of Us is such a good contemporary novel. I loved how the romance in the novel wasn't the central theme and was instead about coming into your own and accepting yourself. The book had such a good message. Add the music aspect it had, and you got me hooked.

2.) The Replacement Crush by Lisa Brown Roberts
The Replacement Crush is such a fun book. I don't know why I like this book so much, I just did. The main character was easy to relate to and the relationships were so well done. Not only does the book have an accurate representation of female friendships, but of familial relationships as well. Unfortunately, accurate relationships aren't that common in YA, and this book was a breath of fresh air.

1.) The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson 
Last but certainly not least is one of my favorite books of the year. The Unexpected Everything blew my expectations out of the water. There were dogs, a book inside a book, a scavenger hunt, a cute male romantic interest, and a great father/daughter relationships. Need I ask for more?

Goodreads Links
Rebel of the Sands
Withering Rose 
The Sound of Us
The Replacement Crush
The Unexpected Everything 

And those are my top picks for 2016 releases so far! If you did a TTT, make sure to link it down below!

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!