As you can see, the prompt for this week are our top five recent additions to my wishlist. I don't usually buy books (I'm very cheap, guys!), so I just picked out the top 5 books I've recently added to my goodreads TBR. This list is in no particular order. :)

I added this book to my TBR after I saw my blogger friend, Alicia, write a review for it! Check it out here! I had seen the book floating around the blogosphere, but her review sold me on it! I'm interested to see how I like it! It's been a while since I've read a YA contemporary that has some difficult subject matter.

Who doesn't love a prehistoric fantasy that is a loose retelling of Pride and Prejudice? I've only read one book that was set in ancient history, and that was Forbidden by Kimberely Griffiths Little. I feel like most historic fiction is set in the 1800s. The setting is what really draws me in!

The premise of Poison's Kiss is a classic fantasy. It's about a girl, who I am sure is a very special snowflake, that is ordered to kill the one boy she loves. And I am definitely not complaining! Everyone needs a good fantasy here and there, and I'm looking forward to picking this up! Also, the cover is gorgeous.

Colleen Hoover is one of my favorite authors. I've heard that this is the best one yet, and while that is subjunctive, I'm hoping it applies to me! It Ends With Us has a focus on the difference between an abusive relationship and a healthy one. CoHo hasn't disappointed me yet, and I don't think she will now!

Last but certainly not least is The Edge of Everything! I started hearing about this around BEA, and I can't stop but think about it all the time now. I'm very much looking forward to its release date. The book is essentially about how a bounty hunter from hell that is sent to claim the murder of the main character's father. I love how original the plot is!
If you did a T5W post, make sure to link it down below! Did we share any of the same picks?
Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!