Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! July was a pretty hectic month for me, and I only got around to reading 5 books! I'm now 7 books behind my goodreads goal, but I'm planning on reading some graphic novels to help boost that number.
Here are the five books I read in July, from worst to best!
5) The One that Got Away by AJ Pine
It took me so long to get through The One that Got Away. It was fun at first, but it never held my attention. It was obvious what was going to happen, and the journey to that moment didn't make up for it's predictability. The characters were flat as well. This book sadly didn't work out for me, and I gave it 2 stars.
4) Smut by Karina Halle
Smut was pure fun. If I had to compare it to something, it would be candy. It's sugary and sweet, but doesn't have a lot of substance. Smut's plot was what made me enjoy the book so much, plus Karina Halle's writing. Halle hasn't disappointed me yet; her characters always have the most electrifying chemistry. While it wasn't my favorite Halle book, I had tons of fun reading it. You can find my review here, where I gave it 4 stars!
3) A Darker Shade of Magic by VE Schwab
I read this for the Make Me Read It Readathon that I participated in! While I didn't do too well in the readathon, I did enjoy my first read! There are so many raves reviews for A Darker Shade of Magic, and I have always been hesitant to read the series because of it. The hype is well deserved, though. While it took me a while to be completely committed to the story, the ending was amazing. I am very much looking forward to reading the sequel. I gave ADSOM 4 stars!
2) Come Back to Me by Mila Gray
I had my eyes on Come Back to Me for a while and decided to go for it when Riveted Lit was featuring it as a free read on their website. I didn't really know what to expect, but I absolutely loved Come Back to Me. It was an excellent balance between fun and hard-hitting. The reader knows from the beginning that the main character's brother or boyfriend dies in war accident, and the anticipation of getting to that scene was intense. My predictions were right, but it didn't make the scene easier. I recommend this to anyone who loves a good romance! Come Back to Me got 4.25 Stars!
1) November 9 by Colleen Hoover
Last but certainly not least is November 9 by Colleen Hoover! CoHo is one of my favorite authors and I was worried that my expectations were too high. They weren't! In fact, this book exceeded my expectations. I would say that this is my third favorite Hoover book, behind Maybe Someday as first and Ugly Love as second. I did have a few issues here and there (as expected), but I was not disappointed at all. I've been trying to write a review, but my thoughts aren't coherent enough. It will come eventually! I gave November 9 4.75 stars!
Other Posts of the Month!
Top Ten Tuesday: Books We Enjoyed Under 2000 Ratings
BOOK REVIEW | Just A Girl by Ellie Cahill
The Friday 56 with Book Beginnings! No. 4
BOOK REVIEW | Saven Deception by Siobhan Vivian
Top Five Wednesday: Books I Wish Had Sequels
The Friday 56 with Book Beginnings! No. 5
Currently Reading/TBR - Red Queen, Kiss of Deception
Top Five Wednesday: Most Recent Additions to my Wishlist
Top Five Wednesday: Most Unlikable Characters
And that is my July Wrap Up! What did you read this month?
Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!