Sunday, September 18, 2016

Most Anticipated Fall Releases!

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be showing what books I am most excited about this fall. There are a lot of great books coming out the remainder of this year, and I know I won't be getting to all of them! A girl can hope, though!

A Shadow Bright and Burning by Jessica Cluess
Publication Date: Sept. 20th
Why? I haven't read a book about witches in such a long time, and I want to get back into it! Henrietta is the first female sorcerer, and I love some female power. Hopefully the male sorcerers won't be too bigoted and ignorant!

Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake
Publication Date: Sept. 20th
Why? Three kickass sister witches that are supposed to fight to the death? Yes, please! Add in the fact that two of the three sisters don't have powers, and I'm sold. I'm interested to see what Kendare Blake has in store. Her Anna duology wasn't one of my favorites, and I'm hoping that this will pique my interest more.

Spare and Found Parts by Sarah Maria Griffin
Publication Date: Oct. 4th
Why? My interest for Spare and Found Parts originates from the cover. I absolutely love it! The synopsis is really intriguing and has an air of mystery surrounding it. Needless to say, I am looking forward to the 2016 release. 

Everyone We've Been by Sarah Everett
Publication Date: Oct. 4th
Why? To be honest, it's the cover. It's just SO beautiful. It's the first thing that drew me in, and once I read the synopsis, I was sold. I haven't read a book with an unstable narration for a really long time, and I'm curious to see what my reaction will be. 

Royally Screwed by Emma Chase
Publication Date: Oct. 18th
Why? I mean, I need some New Adult in my life. A sexy bad boy prince? Count me in! The plot of Royally Screwed reminds me of E!'s The Royals, which is my guilty pleasure TV show.

Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
Publication Date: Oct. 18th
Why? Gemina is the sequel to my most anticipated releases! I aboslutely loved Illuminae, and it was one of my favorite books I read last year. I hope that I will love Gemina, even if it follows two different main characters this go around. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that Kady and Ezra will make an appearance!

It's Not Me, It's You by Stephanie Kate Strohm
Publication Date: Oct. 25th
Why? It's Not Me, It's You has a classic YA contemporary synopsis. A girl gets dumped by her boyfriend, and then she asks all of her previous boyfriends why they broke up. The novel seems like it is going to be hilarious, and I'm ready to laugh!

The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon
Publication Date: Nov. 1st
Why? Yoon's debut novel Everything, Everything was one of the best books I read last year. I have an ARC of this book, and it's staring at me, pleading me to read it already. And I just might! Nicola Yoon is visiting one of my local bookstores later this year, so I'll for sure have it read before then.

Heartless by Marissa Meyer
Publication Date: Nov. 8th
Why? I actually don't know what Heartless is about, except that I want to read it. Meyer's Lunar Chronicles series is one of my favorite out there. I'm deciding to go into the book blind, so no spoilers please. :)

Those are my anticipated fall releases of this year! What are some of yours?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading! 

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!