
Sunday, October 30, 2016


The Human Centipede is a cult classic in the horror genre. For the Chicken Challenge this month, I took part in watching a horror movie of my choice and reviewing it. Let me just put this out there: I wish I rewatched The Cabin in the Woods instead of watching this.

I'm sure you know what the human centipede is, but if you don't here's the low down. Basically, two really dumb college girls go to a party and get lost. Their tire blows, and they are stranded in the creepy woods. Because these girls are really dumb, they decide to get out of their car, walk around for over an hour alone looking for service, and then go into a stranger's home. Of course, this stranger is a deranged scientist. He worked separating conjoined twins in his hey day, but now he is seriously messed up. He drugs the girls, and then cuffs them to a hospital bed in his basement. In the basement there is another victim. The doctor tells them of his "genius" plan, to conjoin the three of them and make a human centipede. The mouth will be attached to the anus in order for them to eat. Creepy as hell, correct?

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Chicken Challenge Tag!

This month I have been participating in the Chicken Challenge, which is hosted by Lys @ The Mad Reader. She just relocated her blog to here!

Name a book that scared you!
I don't read scary books or thrillers that often. But if I had to choose, I'd go with Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman! Illuminae is not really a thriller, but it does get really intense after a while. There is this great scene where Cady is going through an abandoned ship that is littered with zombies. I was pretty scared for Cady the whole time I was reading that scene!

What is the funniest prank you've pulled?
I actually haven't pulled a prank! I'm a goody-two shoes! Haha.

Share a spooky/ghost story
I don't know if this is spooky, but it did frighten me! Over the summer, I finished up watching Hannibal, a NBC show focused on Hannibal Lector. The finale was disturbing, to say the least. That night, I had a nightmare of cannibals eating me alive; I could feel them! I woke up to my own screams. Needless to say, it was a rough night of sleep!

What's the scariest movie you've watched?
I would have to say The Shining. I watched The Shining at a pretty young age, and just recently watched it again last year. The movie creeps me out to no end. I'd be screwed if my dad became evil like Jack did. American Horror Story does come to mind as well. Even though it's not a movie, it is scary and creepy! I couldn't get through Freak Show because I was so creeped out. This seasons though, Roanoake, is great. I'm loving and it's scaring the wits out of me weekly!

What is your dream costume?
I have another bad answer for this! There is not really an iconic character that I have always dreamed about dressing up as. Maybe I'll figure it out by Halloween, but it doesn't seem like it! 

Weirdest thing you've eaten?
I'm normally am up for anything, but I can't say I've eaten anything weird per say. I've eaten just about anything you can find in a small town. I have had a ghost pepper though, and that's one of the hottest peppers around. 

If you were a fictional villain, who would you be and why? 
I always like villains that have some background and morals. When a villain is just pure evil, I feel like they have no depth. The villain I choose for this question had the right intention (in a way) but made all the wrong decisions. He does have a shot of redemption though! I chose AIDAN from Illuminae!

So that was the Chicken Challenge Tag! Once again, check out Lys' blog for all Chicken Challenge details.

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

BOOK REVIEW | A Promise of Fire by Amanda Bouchet

Title: A Promise of Fire
Series: Kingmaker Chronicles #1
Author: Amanda Bouchet
Publication Date: August 2, 2016
Pages: 448
Source: I checked this out from my library!
Catalia "Cat" Fisa is a powerful clairvoyant known as the Kingmaker. This smart-mouthed soothsayer has no interest in her powers and would much rather fly under the radar, far from the clutches of her homicidal mother. But when an ambitious warlord captures her, she may not have a choice…

Griffin is intent on bringing peace to his newly conquered realm in the magic-deprived south. When he discovers Cat is the Kingmaker, he abducts her. But Cat will do everything in her power to avoid her dangerous destiny and battle her captor at every turn. Although up for the battle, Griffin would prefer for Cat to help his people willingly, and he's ready to do whatever it takes to coax her…even if that means falling in love with her.
Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Goodreads 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday #3: Till Death by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine! Every week we showcase one upcoming release that we are excited about. This week I chose a upcoming release by one of my go-to authors, Jennifer L. Armentrout! Till Death comes out in late February, and it is a thriller romance. It actually reminds me of The Dead List, which Armentrout published via wattpad for fun. You can find my review of that book here.

Here is Till Death's stats:
Pages: 400
Publsiher: William Morrow
Expected Publication: Feb. 28, 2017

In New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout’s gripping new novel, a young woman comes home to reclaim her life—even as a murderer plots to end it. . .

It’s been ten years since Sasha Keaton left her West Virginia hometown . . . since she escaped the twisted serial killer known as the Groom. Returning to help run her family inn means being whole again, except for one missing piece. The piece that falls into place when Sasha’s threatened—and FBI agent Cole Landis vows to protect her the way he couldn’t a decade ago.

First one woman disappears; then another, and all the while, disturbing calling cards are left for the sole survivor of the Groom’s reign of terror. Cole’s never forgiven himself for not being there when Sasha was taken, but he intends to make up for it now . . . because under the quirky sexiness Cole first fell for is a steely strength that only makes him love Sasha more.

But someone is watching. Waiting. And Sasha’s first mistake could be her last.

Why I'm Waiting
Jennifer L. Armentrout is a go to author of mine. I don't have auto-buy authors, but I don have auto-read authors, and she's one of them. I really enjoyed reading The Dead List, and I'm looking forward to reading another thriller. I don't read too many thrillers, so I am looking forward to pushing my comfort zone! I know I'll be requesting this from my library once it is released! 

What did you pick this week? Are you looking forward to Till Death?

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Currently Reading/TBR: A Promise of Fire, The Diabolic

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be showing you the books I am currently reading and planning to read soon!

I just finished A Promise of Fire by Amanda Bouchet this morning, and have already moved on to the sequel, A Breath of Fire. I absolutely loved the first book. Cat, the main protagonist, is such a badass and I loved her POV. I was elated to see that I was approved for the Netgalley of it's sequel. So far, I am only around 10% in A Breath of Fire right now. I like where I think the story is going and I cannot fathom the book hangover I will be in once I finish it. Bouchet's series is my first adult fantasy I've read, and I'm adoring it!

After reading A Breath of Fire, I want to go back and finish Interwined by Gena Showalter. I put it down around 70% last week and just didn't make the final push. I like the story enough, but it is not holding my attention like White Rabbit Chronicles did. I'm essentially having the same issues with Interwined that I did with Firstlife. The characters just aren't dynamic enough for me. 

 I'm also planning to read The Diabolic later this month. I have an ARC of it, and I want to finish it before its November 1st release date. Many of my friends have liked it, so I have high hopes! I don't know too much about it except that it is YA science fiction and has major buzz surrounding it. 

What are you currently reading? Have you read any of the books I mentioned? What did you think?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Monday, October 10, 2016

BOOK REVIEW | Deep Blue by Jennifer Donnelly

Title: Deep Blue
Series: Waterfire Saga #1
Author: Jennifer Donnelly
Publication Date: May 6, 2014
Pages: 340
Source: I listened to Deep Blue via audiobook though my local digital library.
Serafina, daughter of Isabella, Queen of Miromara, has been raised with the expectation - and burden - that she will someday become ruler of the oldest civilization of the merfolk. On the eve of the Dokimí ceremony, which will determine if she is worthy of the crown, Sera is haunted by a strange dream that foretells the return of an ancient evil. But her nightmare is forgotten the next day as she diligently practices her songspell; eagerly anticipates a reunion with her best friend, Neela; and anxiously worries about Mahdi, the crown prince of Matali, and whether his feelings toward her and their future betrothal have changed. Most of all, she worries about not living up to her mother's hopes.

The Dokimí proceeds, a dazzling display of majesty and might, until a shocking turn of events interrupts it: an assassin's arrow wounds Isabella. The realm falls into chaos, and Serafina's darkest premonitions are confirmed. Now she and Neela must embark on a quest to find the assassin's master and prevent a war between the mer nations. Their search will lead them to other mermaid heriones scattered across the six seas. Together they will form an unbreakable bond of sisterhood as they uncover a conspiracy that threatens their world's very existence.
Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Goodreads

Friday, October 7, 2016


Hello and welcome back to my blog! My September was a bit hectic. School and marching band are in full swing, and all my free time is devoted to those two. Because of that, I didn't read as many books as I wanted.

Here are the 7 books I read, from worst to best!

7.) The 48 Hour Hookup by Sarah Ballance
I so desperately wanted to like this one, but the characters and the humor fell flat for me. I couldn't connect to the characters, but it just didn't click. Because if this, the book just didn't meet my expectations. I gave this 2 stars.

6.) Pure by Jennifer L. Armentrout
I had the same experience with Pure as I did with the 48 Hour Hookup. However, I did like this more than the first. Once again, I just couldn't connect to the story. I like the characters, but they annoyed me more than I expected. I found the book a bit too predictable for me to fully enjoy it. I gave Pure 3 stars.

5.) Losing It by Cora Carmack
Losing It has a classic new adult plot. A girl meets a guy, but of course their romance is forbidden on some sort of level. Even though the plot isn't original, it was a fun read. The characters weren't as dynamic as I wanted though. I considered Losing It a sort of palette cleanser of the month.

4-2.) Crash Trilogy by Nicole Williams
The Crash trilogy has the most confusing names EVER. Crash is the first book, Clash the second, and Crush the third. The second novel was my favorite (3.75 stars) with Crash coming in second (3.5 stars) and the finale coming in third (3 stars). Unfortunately, I did not like the finale. Everything was going as I expected, and then there was this "solution" that was conventional and unnecessary. My least favorite thing about the series is that it is redundant. Every book follows the same exact plot. I wished that Williams would have changed it up a bit; I was able to predict everything right before it happened. 

1.) 1984 by George Orwell
1984 takes the cake for September. In my goodreads review, I mentioned that I gave 1984 four stars because I don't know what to think of it. The book did take a while to get into, but the second half was interesting. I do not regret reading this book in the least, and I think it is one of the more important classics to read. 

Other Posts

TTT: My Favorite Book to TV Adaptions!
Most Anticipated Fall Releases!
BOOK REVIEW | November 9 by Colleen Hoover
Meeting Alwyn Hamilton!
T5W: Gateway Books to YA Contemporary 
Real Neat Blog Award!

That is my September Wrap Up! What did you read this September?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Monday, October 3, 2016

BOOK REVIEW | Keeping Her Secret by Sarah Nicolas

Title: Keeping Her Secret
Author: Sarah Nicolas
Publication Date: August 22, 2016
Source: I received Keeping Her Secret in exchange for an honest review via Netgalley.
Two girls. One Kiss.

The last person Riya Johnson expected to run into at her new summer camp is Courtney Chastain—her childhood best friend and the girl who broke her heart after a secret, mind-blowing, life-altering kiss. She definitely didn’t expect to be sharing a bunk bed with her for four long weeks.

Courtney has what every girl wants—she’s beautiful, rich, and the object of every boy’s desire at Camp Pine Ridge. Too bad none of them make her feel an iota of what Riya’s kiss did all those years ago. But Courtney needs to uphold appearances at all costs—even if it means instigating an all-out prank war with Riya as her main target.

Neither girl can stop thinking about the other…but that doesn’t mean they can give up past hurts and take a chance on a future together.

Disclaimer: This Entangled Teen Crush book contains drinking, sexual situations, and a fairy-tale romance sure to make your heart melt.
Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Goodreads

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Chicken Challenge TBR!

This month I am participating in the Chicken Challenge, which is hosted by Lys @ The Mad Reader! If you want to check out the challenges for this month, you can check them out here! I'm really looking forward to participating in this challenge! Not only have I not participated in a challenge in a really long time, but this is the perfect opportunity to read more spooky books!

Here is my TBR! Keep in mind, I am horrible at keeping TBRs, so I might switch up my picks. However, I will still complete the challenges!

1) A Book with Orange on the Cover
A Promise of Fire by Amanda Bouchet
This is a new fantasy release that has fabulous reviews! I haven't read a high fantasy in a while, and this is the perfect opportunity to do so! Most importantly, there is a good amount of orange of the cover. This is one of the books that I am highly anticipating reading this month. 

2) A Very Popular Spooky Book 
Survive the Night by Danielle Vega
I don't know for sure if this is a really popular book or not, but I still want to read it! This is a story about a couple of girls being hunted in the NYC subway system in the middle of the night. If that isn't spooky, then I don't know what is it!

3) A Book With a Ghost In It
Anya's Ghost by Vera Brosgol
I'm trying to get more into graphic novels, and Anya's Ghost seems like a good one! It is a coming of age story, and I'm for a story of self acceptance. My sister has read this one and loved it, so I hope I feel the same way!

4) A Book I'm Scared To Read
An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
I'm scared to read An Ember in the Ashes for the sole reason that I don't want it so not meet my expectations. I've met Sabaa, and I absolutely adored her! An Ember in the Ashes was a favorite last year, and I'm desperately hoping that it will be the same for me. 

And that is my TBR for the Chicken Challenge! What are some of your favorite spooky reads? What scary books are you planning to read this October?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!