Sunday, December 4, 2016

BOOK REVIEW | Truthwitch by Susan Dennard

Title: Truthwitch
Series: The Witchlands #1
Author: Susan Dennard
Publication Date: January 5, 2016
Pages: 415
Source: I got this through my local library!
On a continent ruled by three empires, some are born with a “witchery,” a magical skill that sets them apart from others.

In the Witchlands, there are almost as many types of magic as there are ways to get in trouble—as two desperate young women know all too well.

Safiya is a Truthwitch, able to discern truth from lie. It’s a powerful magic that many would kill to have on their side, especially amongst the nobility to which Safi was born. So Safi must keep her gift hidden, lest she be used as a pawn in the struggle between empires.

Iseult, a Threadwitch, can see the invisible ties that bind and entangle the lives around her—but she cannot see the bonds that touch her own heart. Her unlikely friendship with Safi has taken her from life as an outcast into one of reckless adventure, where she is a cool, wary balance to Safi’s hotheaded impulsiveness.

Safi and Iseult just want to be free to live their own lives, but war is coming to the Witchlands. With the help of the cunning Prince Merik (a Windwitch and ship’s captain) and the hindrance of a Bloodwitch bent on revenge, the friends must fight emperors, princes, and mercenaries alike, who will stop at nothing to get their hands on a Truthwitch.

So I had a pretty weird reading experience with Truthwitch. I actually started listening to it via audiobook, and was really enjoying it! Unfortunately, I didn't finish it before it expired and I couldn't renew it. So, I had to return the book. I then got the hardcover version a couple days later at my local library. By that time, I had already started two other books. So I had basically put this book down for almost two weeks. This is a pretty big factor in my enjoyment.

My big complaint is the world building. The first part of the book was pretty slow going. I didn't mind, but it took me a bit to get into the book and really understand everything. Unfortunately, the world building didn't stick with me. As I was nearing the end of the book, I couldn't remember all the intricacies of the world. What country likes who? What the heck is happening with the trade? etc. etc. etc. This was vitally important to understand everything, and I had to keep going back and referring to previous parts to even grasp what was going on.
The Truthwitch Map

The characters is what really made me like Truthwitch. Safiya and Iseult have such a great friendship and always sick together. I always love when there are strong female friendships in books, and Dennard did a great job of that. The romance wasn't too heavy as well. There was a great will they won't they, but it didn't overpower the plot.

My favorite character has to be Aeduan. He's a very complex character, and isn't as bad as he seems when he's introduced. I'm interested to see what he will do in the sequels. Also, I hope I'm not imagining things when I say I want Aeduan and Iseult to get together. :D 

Overall, I liked Truthwitch! I had trouble keeping all the politics in track, which is a shame. I love it when there is political intrigue, but it didn't work for me this time around. Other books were able to interest me more, and it took me a while to be invested in Truthwitch. However, the characters were great. They are the reason I'm gong to continue on with the series. I can't wait to see what happens to them!

With that, I give this book 
3.75 out of 5 Stars!

Have you read Truthwitch? What did you think of it?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!