Monday, February 13, 2017

TBR | Bookentine Edition

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be showing you the books I am planning on reading for Bookentine. Bookentine is hosted by Ely and Michelle from Tea & Tiles.  I first heard about this readathon from czai @ The Blacksheep Reader. If you want to know more about this readathon, check out Ely & Michelle's introduction post! The readathon is from the 13th to 20th. :D

The key component for this readathon is to just read more contemporary around Valentine's. This past year, I pushed contemporary aside for more fantasy books. I want to get back into reading the genre, and this is the perfect way to reintroduce myself.

Also, this TBR is super late, and for that I apologize! My home life and school life have both been extremely busy these past two weeks, and blogging fell on the back burner. I'll be trying to do more scheduled posts, so hopefully I'll get things all in order. 

So I looked at my shelf (because I have WAY too many unread books) and figured out which books I am going to read.

1) A book with red or pink on the cover

So for this challenge, I don't have a book set in stone. I'm leaning towards We Are Okay by Nina LaCour. LaCour has yet disappointed me, so I have pretty high expectations for this one. As mentioned, I've been setting aside contemporary for fantasy, so I hope I'm in the mood for three contemporaries!
2) A book by an author I haven't read before 
I chose Lovely, Dark, and Deep by Amy McNamara! This book has been sitting on my shelf for quite a while, and I'm honestly tired of it. I know that if I don't read this book this year, I'll have to sell it or something. I've heard good things about this book, but I'm keeping my expectations low. Don't be surprised if I don't end up reading this but instead read a random contemporary romance instead! :)
3) A book featuring a mental illness or disability
Last but certainly not least (I hope!) is Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone. The main character, Samantha, has an extreme case of OCD. My mom is diagnosed with a mild case of OCD, and I have high hopes that this book not only accurately represents OCD but provides insight as well. The book has a ton of goodreads ratings and a great score, so if that is any indicator I will love it!

If you don't know, I am a mood reader! Basically, I am not good at TBRs. I am horrible at planning what I'll be reading, but I am going to try my best for Bookentine! If I don't stick to this, I'll still be completing all the challenges, one way or another. :) 

Best of luck to anyone and everyone participating in Bookentine! 

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!