
Friday, March 31, 2017

Adaption Talk: 13 Reasons Why | Tape 1, Side A

I wasn't planning on watching the Netflix adaption of 13 Reasons Why anytime soon, and I wasn't planning on this post either. But the adaption dropped today, and I just couldn't NOT watch the first episode. And let me tell you, it was downright amazing. 

I was at most 14 years old when I read Thirteen Reasons Why. At the time, I wasn't old enough to comprehend how cruel the world and people can be. Now I'm 17, and though I'm still a dreamer, I have learned of some harsher realities. Way back when I read the book, I thought that some of the things that happened to Hannah were inconceivable. Now I know that some people are just mean and mistakes are made and things spiral. 

Watching the TV show, I was transported back to when I read the book. I remember staying up until 2 am and not being able to put it down. The show has the same exact feeling. Right as I finished the first episode, I wanted to start the second. But then I decided to write this post, because I want to urge all of you to find a way and watch this series. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday #22

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! This week I will be participating in Waiting on Wednesday. WoW is a weekly meme hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine. Every week we showcase upcoming releases that we are excited about. Tressa @ Wishful Endings has recently taken lead in this meme, considering Jill hasn't been posting on for a while. Learn more here!

This week I chose  Defy the Stars by Claudia Gray!

Noemi Vidal is a teen soldier from the planet Genesis, once a colony of Earth that's now at war for its independence. The humans of Genesis have fought Earth's robotic "mech" armies for decades with no end in sight.

After a surprise attack, Noemi finds herself stranded in space on an abandoned ship where she meets Abel, the most sophisticated mech prototype ever made. One who should be her enemy. But Abel's programming forces him to obey Noemi as his commander, which means he has to help her save Genesis--even though her plan to win the war will kill him.

Together they embark on a daring voyage through the galaxy. Before long, Noemi begins to realize Abel may be more than a machine, and, for his part, Abel's devotion to Noemi is no longer just a matter of programming.
Why I'm Waiting

Claudia Gray is a very well known YA author. I've only read Spellcaster and A Thousand Pieces of You, but I have liked both. I am thinking that I will LOVE this one. Some of my favorite young adult series are set in space, and I absolutely love the plot of this one. Forbidden romance is pretty much my kryptonite, and putting that in a science fiction setting makes me all that more excited. 

Are you looking forward to Defy the Stars?

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni  @ Ready, Set, Read!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Mini Reviews #4 - Mermaids, Stepsiblings, and Bounty Hunters!

Hey everyone!! Long time no see! It's been quite some time since I posted (more than a week!) and I felt like there was a piece of me missing. I didn't realize how blogging was such a part of my life and who I am until I didn't have the time to blog. School is the busiest it has ever been for me, and I can't seem to catch a break. 

Well today I finally have some free time, so I'll be doing mini reviews of the books I have recently read.

1) Dark Tide by Jennifer Donnelly
Dark Tide is the third book in Donnelly's Waterfire Saga, and the second to last book in the series. This series keeps getting better with each book. Each of the six main girls (Ava, Becca, Sera, Neela, Astrid, and Ling) are getting closer to the end, and are gaining in strength and wisdom. This series is chock-full of girl power in this book, and I absolutely love it. The strong friendships and lack of sexist ideals really makes this book for me. My only problem was that there were two romances introduced in the book, and though they were cute, they gave off an insta-love feel. Though it wasn't actually insta-love, there are only a couple scenes before the couples are completely enamored with each other, which made it feel like it was. Nevertheless, I completely recommend this fantasy series! 4.5 Stars

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday #21

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! This week I will be participating in Waiting on Wednesday. WoW is a weekly meme hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine. Every week we showcase upcoming releases that we are excited about. Tressa @ Wishful Endings has recently taken lead in this meme, considering Jill hasn't been posting on for a while. Learn more here!

This week I chose Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett! 
In this delightfully charming teen spin on You’ve Got Mail, the one guy Bailey Rydell can’t stand is actually the boy of her dreams—she just doesn’t know it yet.

Classic movie buff Bailey “Mink” Rydell has spent months crushing on a witty film geek she only knows online by “Alex.” Two coasts separate the teens until Bailey moves in with her dad, who lives in the same California surfing town as her online crush.

Faced with doubts (what if he’s a creep in real life—or worse?), Bailey doesn’t tell Alex she’s moved to his hometown. Or that she’s landed a job at the local tourist-trap museum. Or that she’s being heckled daily by the irritatingly hot museum security guard, Porter Roth—a.k.a. her new arch-nemesis. But life is whole lot messier than the movies, especially when Bailey discovers that tricky fine line between hate, love, and whatever-it-is she’s starting to feel for Porter.

And as the summer months go by, Bailey must choose whether to cling to a dreamy online fantasy in Alex or take a risk on an imperfect reality with Porter. The choice is both simpler and more complicated than she realizes, because Porter Roth is hiding a secret of his own: Porter is Alex…Approximately
Why I'm Waiting
I just mentioned this book yesterday, and then felt the urge to make this my WoW post. I don't read as much contemporary as I used to anymore, and it is because I have become more picky in my reading of the genre. It takes quite a bit to get five stars out of me, and this book just has something special that draws my attention. I absolutely love the plot; it seems light and fun and fluffy but there is the potential for some great messages as well. Alex, Approximately has also gotten several starred reviews. Though I usually don't look at that kind of stuff, Booklist and Kirkus and everyone are all credible sources, and I'm putting my faith in their reviews. And not to be shallow...but that cover is pretty great. I didn't love it at first, but the more I look at it, the more I like it. 

Are you looking forward to Alex, Approximately? What was the last contemporary book you have read that was a 5 star read?

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with anther post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

TTT: Books on My Spring TBR

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I will be participating in Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish. Recently this meme was on hiatus, but this week it has restarted!

Today's topic is top ten books on my spring TBR. A lot of these I might have featured on a Waiting on Wednesday post, and if so, the links will be to those posts for more info.

Here are my top ten books, in no particular order.

10) Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves
I just mentioned this on my blog last week, but I don't want to stop talking about this book! I love the idea of this book's magic system. Our main character is born without magic, which is uncalled for as she is higher class. If done well, this book can be an awesome fantasy as well as make some comments on prejudices due to class. 
9) Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett
If you don't know what this book is, I urge you to check out the goodreads page. This sounds like the perfect spring/summer contemporary. Though I think it is pretty obvious what the "twist" is, I am highly anticipating how everything all goes down. I basically cannot wait for this.  

8) Cold Summer by Gwen Cole
cold Summer has been getting some pretty hefty buzz, and I hope that it is worth all of it. I haven't read the synopsis in quite some time, but from what I remember the main character time travels when he's asleep. I think he gets stuck? Sorry everyone, it's been a while. :D But, the fact that there is time travel and romance somewhere in the mix sells me. 
7) Always and Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han
GUYS. GUYSS. Jenny Han is pretty much a goddess to me. I just love everything she writes, and I am hotly anticipating this book. It might be my most anticipated release of the year. Even though I'm getting more and more into fantasy, this contemporary trilogy is practically perfection for me. The characters aren't perfect, but I am able to relate to it so much. All I know is that Jenny better not screw up Lara Jean and Peter's relationship. But then again, John Ambrose McClaren is pretty outstanding. 

6) The Love Interest by Cale Dietrich

The Love Interest is taking a new take on the love triangle, and I'm so ready for it. Basically, two opposing spy organizations are sent to fall in love with this girl (who I'm assuming is this beautiful, special snowflake). However, the two spies that are sent end up falling in love with each other instead. Did I mention this was a YA novel with spies and a m/m romance? Because that sounds absolutely fabulous. 
5) Flame in the Mist by Renee Ahdieh 
I've had the pleasure of meeting Renee several times, and each time I meet her I feel even worse for not reading her books yet. Renee is such a beautiful person (inside and out) and I cannot wait to actually READ something by her instead of just wishing I was. I recently bought her first book (The Wrath and the Dawn), so hopefully I'll get to that soon, love it, and then read Flame in the Mist. 

4) Hello, Sunshine by Leila Howland

So, I don't want to seem mean, but..if I made a list in order of least anticipated to most, this would be at the bottom. It's not that I'm looking forward to it (I am!) but it is all about college rejection. Right now, I have 15 days left until I hear back from 5 colleges. I've already been accepted into one of my top choices (YAY!!!), but I don't necessarily want to read a book about rejection because it makes me feel anxious. When the book comes out though, I should be fine! :D
3) Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller
I am currently reading Mask of Shadows right now as an e-arc, so this might be a bit of cheating. However, I am so excited for this to hit shelves and see what everyone will think of it! The main character is gender fluid and totally kick ass. People will compare it to Throne of Glass, as there is a competition to be the leader's right hand person, but I find this much more refreshing than ToG (which, hint: I didn't like that much).
2) Roar by Cora Carmack

If I'm being brutally honest (again), this book would be second to last if I ordered this. Though the synopsis is absolutely fantastic, the thing holding me back is the author. I've read Losing It by Cora Carmack, and didn't love it. In fact, my main issue was the writing style. I'm trying to waive that aside though, considering that Losing It was her first book and I'm sure she's improved. Nonetheless, I am anticipating Roar, but I might not be picking it up the day it hits shelves. 

1) The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell
Last but not least is The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell! I haven't seen much on this book, but the synopsis completely sold me (as did the cover!) As I mentioned earlier, I've been really getting into fantasy, and I think this book would be prefect for me. Plus, this book also features time travel, at theme I have been trying to read more of. 

What books are you looking forward to this spring? Do we have any in common?

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday #20

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! This week I will be participating in Waiting on Wednesday. WoW is a weekly meme hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine. Every week we showcase upcoming releases that we are excited about. Tressa @ Wishful Endings has recently taken lead in this meme, considering Jill hasn't been posting on for a while. Learn more here!

This week I chose Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves! 

The thrilling first book in a YA fantasy trilogy for fans of Red Queen. In a world where social prestige derives from a trifecta of blood, money, and magic, one girl has the ability to break the spell that holds the social order in place.

Sixteen-year-old Anna Arden is barred from society by a defect of blood. Though her family is part of the Luminate, powerful users of magic, she is Barren, unable to perform the simplest spells. Anna would do anything to belong. But her fate takes another course when, after inadvertently breaking her sister’s debutante spell—an important chance for a highborn young woman to show her prowess with magic—Anna finds herself exiled to her family’s once powerful but now crumbling native Hungary.

Her life might well be over.

In Hungary, Anna discovers that nothing is quite as it seems. Not the people around her, from her aloof cousin Noémi to the fierce and handsome Romani Gábor. Not the society she’s known all her life, for discontent with the Luminate is sweeping the land. And not her lack of magic. Isolated from the only world she cares about, Anna still can’t seem to stop herself from breaking spells.

As rebellion spreads across the region, Anna’s unique ability becomes the catalyst everyone is seeking. In the company of nobles, revolutionaries, and Romanies, Anna must choose: deny her unique power and cling to the life she’s always wanted, or embrace her ability and change that world forever.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Music Monday #3

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni and today I'll be participating in my second Music Monday post! Music Monday is hosted by  Lauren @ Always Me. I've been trying to participate in the one more frequently, so you'll be seeing more of these posts! 

Here are the rules:
Every Monday share one or two of songs you've been enjoying lately.  It doesn't have to be a specific genre, new, or one of your favorites - just something you'd like to share with others.  If possible, share a music or lyric video of the song and your thoughts on the song(s), artist(s), and/or music video(s).

Sunday, March 5, 2017

February Wrap Up!

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog!! I'm Genni, and today I'll be wrapping up Feburary. 

Unfortunately, February wasn't the best month for me. I got behind on my reading schedule, because I only read three books. (UGHH) Basically, my mom had her second knee replacement in early February, and the difficulty in my classes turned up a notch (or five). While juggling those two things, the school musical started as well. I'm in the pit, and I rehearsed every day after school until 6:30. 

The low down is that I had no time for reading at all! March will be better though, since my mom is recovering really well and the musical is wrapping up!

Anyways, here are the three books I managed to fit in!

3) Ascend by Amanda Hocking
Ascend is the final book in Amanda Hocking's Trylle trilogy, which kick-started her wildly successful career. This was my favorite book in the series, and was a strong conclusion. I will be reading the Kanin Chronicles, which is a spinoff featuring a different tribe. You can check out more of my thoughts in my review!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday #19

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! This week I will be participating in Waiting on Wednesday. WoW is a weekly meme hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine. Every week we showcase upcoming releases that we are excited about. Tressa @ Wishful Endings has recently taken lead in this meme, considering Jill hasn't been posting on for a while. Learn more here!

This week I chose Daughter of the Pirate King!

A 17-year-old pirate captain intentionally allows herself to get captured by enemy pirates in this thrilling YA adventure.

Sent on a mission to retrieve an ancient hidden map—the key to a legendary treasure trove—seventeen-year-old pirate captain Alosa deliberately allows herself to be captured by her enemies, giving her the perfect opportunity to search their ship.

More than a match for the ruthless pirate crew, Alosa has only one thing standing between her and the map: her captor, the unexpectedly clever and unfairly attractive first mate, Riden. But not to worry, for Alosa has a few tricks up her sleeve, and no lone pirate can stop the Daughter of the Pirate King.

Debut author Tricia Levenseller blends action, adventure, romance, and a little bit of magic into a thrilling YA pirate tale.