Today's topic is top ten books on my spring TBR. A lot of these I might have featured on a Waiting on Wednesday post, and if so, the links will be to those posts for more info.
Here are my top ten books, in no particular order.

10) Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves
I just mentioned this on my blog last week, but I don't want to stop talking about this book! I love the idea of this book's magic system. Our main character is born without magic, which is uncalled for as she is higher class. If done well, this book can be an awesome fantasy as well as make some comments on prejudices due to class.
9) Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett
If you don't know what this book is, I urge you to check out the goodreads page. This sounds like the perfect spring/summer contemporary. Though I think it is pretty obvious what the "twist" is, I am highly anticipating how everything all goes down. I basically cannot wait for this.

cold Summer has been getting some pretty hefty buzz, and I hope that it is worth all of it. I haven't read the synopsis in quite some time, but from what I remember the main character time travels when he's asleep. I think he gets stuck? Sorry everyone, it's been a while. :D But, the fact that there is time travel and romance somewhere in the mix sells me.
7) Always and Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han
GUYS. GUYSS. Jenny Han is pretty much a goddess to me. I just love everything she writes, and I am hotly anticipating this book. It might be my most anticipated release of the year. Even though I'm getting more and more into fantasy, this contemporary trilogy is practically perfection for me. The characters aren't perfect, but I am able to relate to it so much. All I know is that Jenny better not screw up Lara Jean and Peter's relationship. But then again, John Ambrose McClaren is pretty outstanding.
6) The Love Interest by Cale Dietrich
The Love Interest is taking a new take on the love triangle, and I'm so ready for it. Basically, two opposing spy organizations are sent to fall in love with this girl (who I'm assuming is this beautiful, special snowflake). However, the two spies that are sent end up falling in love with each other instead. Did I mention this was a YA novel with spies and a m/m romance? Because that sounds absolutely fabulous.

I've had the pleasure of meeting Renee several times, and each time I meet her I feel even worse for not reading her books yet. Renee is such a beautiful person (inside and out) and I cannot wait to actually READ something by her instead of just wishing I was. I recently bought her first book (The Wrath and the Dawn), so hopefully I'll get to that soon, love it, and then read Flame in the Mist.
4) Hello, Sunshine by Leila Howland
So, I don't want to seem mean, but..if I made a list in order of least anticipated to most, this would be at the bottom. It's not that I'm looking forward to it (I am!) but it is all about college rejection. Right now, I have 15 days left until I hear back from 5 colleges. I've already been accepted into one of my top choices (YAY!!!), but I don't necessarily want to read a book about rejection because it makes me feel anxious. When the book comes out though, I should be fine! :D
3) Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller

2) Roar by Cora Carmack
If I'm being brutally honest (again), this book would be second to last if I ordered this. Though the synopsis is absolutely fantastic, the thing holding me back is the author. I've read Losing It by Cora Carmack, and didn't love it. In fact, my main issue was the writing style. I'm trying to waive that aside though, considering that Losing It was her first book and I'm sure she's improved. Nonetheless, I am anticipating Roar, but I might not be picking it up the day it hits shelves.
1) The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell

What books are you looking forward to this spring? Do we have any in common?
Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!