Sunday, March 26, 2017

Mini Reviews #4 - Mermaids, Stepsiblings, and Bounty Hunters!

Hey everyone!! Long time no see! It's been quite some time since I posted (more than a week!) and I felt like there was a piece of me missing. I didn't realize how blogging was such a part of my life and who I am until I didn't have the time to blog. School is the busiest it has ever been for me, and I can't seem to catch a break. 

Well today I finally have some free time, so I'll be doing mini reviews of the books I have recently read.

1) Dark Tide by Jennifer Donnelly
Dark Tide is the third book in Donnelly's Waterfire Saga, and the second to last book in the series. This series keeps getting better with each book. Each of the six main girls (Ava, Becca, Sera, Neela, Astrid, and Ling) are getting closer to the end, and are gaining in strength and wisdom. This series is chock-full of girl power in this book, and I absolutely love it. The strong friendships and lack of sexist ideals really makes this book for me. My only problem was that there were two romances introduced in the book, and though they were cute, they gave off an insta-love feel. Though it wasn't actually insta-love, there are only a couple scenes before the couples are completely enamored with each other, which made it feel like it was. Nevertheless, I completely recommend this fantasy series! 4.5 Stars

2) Did I Mention I Miss You? by Estelle Maskame
Did I Mention I Miss You? is the third and final book in Maskame's DIMILY trilogy. This series has followed Tyler and Eden, step siblings who fight against their attraction for each other (and give in plenty of times) throughout the series. This book was pretty much the perfect conclusion. I absolutely love Tyler and Eden together, and this book just showcased how perfect they are for each other. My only complaint is lack of kissing scenes! There are only like two or three in the whole book because the plot is more focused on acceptance and forgiveness. But a girl still wants to read a good kissing scene here and there! 4.25 Stars

3) The Edge of Everything by Jeff Giles
The Edge of Everything is a new 2017 release! I wouldn't say that this book was great, but it was good. I had a really fun time buddy reading this with Clare over at Dual Reads. I think this book had a great balance between fantasy and contemporary, and I'm looking forward to delving into both of the worlds in the sequel! My compliant was the instalove and some of Zoe's decision making skills. Sometimes I just couldn't connect with her as a character. With the events at the end though, I am highly anticipating the sequel! 3.5 Stars

Have you read any of these three or are planning to?

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!