Series: The Mortal Instruments #5
Author: Cassandra Clare
Publication Date:Margaret K. McElderry Books (Simon & Schuster)
Publisher: May 8, 2012
Pages: 534
Source: I checked this out from my local library!
The New York Times bestselling Mortal Instruments continues—and so do the thrills and danger for Jace, Clary, and Simon.
What price is too high to pay, even for love? When Jace and Clary meet again, Clary is horrified to discover that the demon Lilith’s magic has bound her beloved Jace together with her evil brother Sebastian, and that Jace has become a servant of evil. The Clave is out to destroy Sebastian, but there is no way to harm one boy without destroying the other. As Alec, Magnus, Simon, and Isabelle wheedle and bargain with Seelies, demons, and the merciless Iron Sisters to try to save Jace, Clary plays a dangerous game of her own. The price of losing is not just her own life, but Jace’s soul. She’s willing to do anything for Jace, but can she still trust him? Or is he truly lost?
Love. Blood. Betrayal. Revenge. Darkness threatens to claim the Shadowhunters in the harrowing fifth book of the Mortal Instruments series.
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City of Lost Souls is the fifth and penultimate book in The Mortal Instruments series. Though it has been a while since I've read City of Glass, the third book, I think City of Lost Souls takes the cake for being my favorite of the series so far. I am would not be surprised if this book is usurped by City of Heavenly Fire, the final book in the series.
I'll be going quickly over what I liked about this book, because I don't want this review to be too long. One of the things I loved a lot was Sebastian! Now, don't get me wrong, I think he is a reprehensible person, but he is such a complex villain and I love it. There are times throughout this book that I started to sympathize with Sebastian, and then was reminded of all he has done wrong. My favorite type of villains are those that are complex, and Sebastian fits the bill. Plus, I love the idea of his evil scheme.
One of my favorite scenes are Simon's scenes. If you don't know, TMI is told in a third person perspective from all the characters, including the secondary characters. Any scenes that focus on Simon are always well done, and I absolutely love his character. There was this one scene where Simon is reunited with his sister, and though it wasn't the main point of the book, it brought tears to my eyes. I am also all for the budding romance between Isabelle and Simon. Isabelle has had a pretty tough exterior and I appreciated how she opened up and was more vulnerable.
As for the other romances, I'm on board for all of them! I especially love Maia and Jordyn together. Though they aren't main characters by any means, I love their interactions. I also like Jocelyn and Luke's relaionship as well. I just ship them so hard together! The only relationship that I didn't wholeheartedly ship in City of Lost Souls was actually Jace and Clary. I love them normally (especially Jace's jokes and cockiness), but it was a bit weird with Jace not actually being himself. Every time they kissed or made out, I just felt uncomfortable.
As for the plot in general, I really loved it. All these characters are woven so intricately together, and their interactions really make the book. However, I did feel as if the book dragged on and on sometimes. It took a really long time for anything to happen, but the build up was written well. I just wish there was less build up and more action at times. Also, I just love this original cover. It is my favorite of the series!
The writing in this book was phenomenal. I think I liked the writing in Clockwork Prince more, but I also care for the characters more in The Infernal Devices. Nevertheless, Clare has drastically improved in her writing style since City of Bones and City of Ashes.

There are only a couple things here and there that I did not like. One is Alec's immaturity. He really his is greatest enemy for this book. Though I understood his actions, I was just shaking my head every time he met with Camille. As said before, I though Clary and Jace's scenes were weird whenever they made out, and the pace was just a tad too slow. Also, this is just personal preference and doesn't actually impact my rating, but I hate the font used in these books. For me, it is so hard to focus and get into the book.
There are so many more things that I could go on and on about, but at the end of the day City of Lost Souls is a great entry into The Mortal Instruments. It sets up the finale for the series spectacularly and I can't wait to see how everything goes down.
I'll obviously be continuing on with the series, but will first read Clockwork Princess because I'm reading by publication date. I am thinking that I'll read both Clockwork Princess and City of Heavenly Fire next month, and then Lady Midnight and its sequel!
With that, I give this book
4.25 out of 5 Stars!
What is your favorite book in The Mortal Instruments? Do you prefer TID or TMI?
Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!