With school done for me, I have a ton of free time. Today for instance, I've just read, done chores, relaxed, and blogged. With these extra eight hours in my day I'll have time to actually stick to my TBR. Without further ado, here are the books I hope to read this June!
For Sure

1) Deity by Jennifer L. Armentrout
So this might be cheating, but I just read Deity on the fourth! Deity is the third book in Armentrout's Covenant series, and it was pretty good. So far it has been my favorite in the series and I'm looking forward to reading the fourth. This series isn't my favorite of Armentrout's, but it is super fun.

2) Apollyon by Jennifer L. Armentrout
And....this is the fourth book in the Covenant series! I had to put this on here, because I know for sure that I'll be reading this. I'm determined to finish the series soon, and I might read the fifth and final book this June too. The way that the third book ended had me reaching for the fourth right away.

3) City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare
After taking a break from the Shadowhunter world for almost a month, I'm ready to jump back in! I recently started reading City of Heavenly Fire and am really enjoying it. I've been spoiled about it a lot, some from my own fruition, but I'm still very excited to see how everything plays out.

4) Windwitch by Susan Dennard
This is yet another fantasy book in a series I plan on reading! I guess I'm on a fantasy kick! While the first three are urban fantasy, this one isn't. Windwitch is the sequel to Truthwitch, which was published last January. I enjoyed Truthwitch, but I didn't love it. I'm listening to the audiobook of Widwitch right now and I'm already enjoying it more!

5) Sleeper by MacKenzie Cadenhead
Sleeper is a thriller about Sarah, a girl who suffers from a REM Sleep Disorder that causes her to act out her dreams unconsciously. I am around 60 percent done with the book right now, and really enjoying it. I haven't heard any buzz about this, but hopefully some will start to circle around!

6) Weregirl by C.D. Bell
I seriously need to finish this book. I have been reading this book for almost two months now. It's not that this book isn't good, there's just no push for me to read it and I keep forgetting about it. I'm determined to finish it in June though, because two months is an insanely long time for me to read a book.
I read World After, the second book in this series, just a month or two ago and loved it. Hopefully I have time to get to this fantasy series as well! I won't be too disappointed if I don't, though. I had such a blast with the first two books, and I hope that this one won't disappoint.
I wished for this book on Netgalley and just got approved for it! I do want to read this book in June, and it has higher priority than End of Days does. This is also a fantasy, but I don't know too much about it except that the main character has a birthmark that covers half her face. I hope that there are some themes of self-acceptance in the book!
This is another book I got approved of on Netgalley. To be honest, I was surprised when I was approved for this, but excited that I was! I've been trying to spread my wings out of my normal young adult, and this book proves so! Cover Fire is a science fiction romance about two adults (not teens, yay!!) that crash land on a mysterious planet.
Those are the nine books I really want to get to! Nine isn't too much for me, so I'm thinking I'll get to all of them. That is, if I actually stick to this list.
That books do you want to read this June?
Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!