
Friday, November 10, 2017

Offsetting Penalties by Ally Mathews | BLOG TOUR - Guest Post and GIVEAWAY!

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be participating in a blog tour for Offsetting Penalties by Ally Matthews! If you want to know more of my thoughts on the book, check out my review here!

Isabelle Oster has dreamed of being a prima ballerina her entire life, so when the only male dancer backs out of the fall production, she’s devastated. Without a partner, she has no hope of earning a spot with the prestigious Ballet Americana company. Until hot jock Garret practicing stretches in one of the studios gives Izzy an idea, and she whips out her phone. But does she really want this badly enough to resort to blackmail?

All-state tight end Garret Mitchell will do anything to get a college football scholarship. Even taking ballet, which surprisingly isn’t so bad, because it means he gets to be up close and personal with the gorgeous Goth girl Izzy while learning moves to increase his flexibility. But Izzy needs him to perform with her for the Ballet Americana spot, and he draws the line at getting on stage. Especially wearing tights.
Here are all the lovely links to peruse!

Here is the Tour Schedule!!!

Now, onto the guest post! The prompt I gave Ally Matthews was: TV shows that Izzy and Garret would love!

Izzy and Garret, the heroine and hero of Offsetting Penalties, have very specific tastes when it comes to watching television. Izzy is all about ballet, and Garret is all about football.

In no particular order, these are the shows they like to watch.

    Bunheads – This is Izzy’s favorite show and she was very upset when it was cancelled. It was only on for one season on Freeform, but she likes to re-watch it and has made Garret watch all of the episodes with her. The show starred Sutton Foster, who is now the main character on TV Land’s Younger. She was a Las Vegas showgirl who got married on a whim and ends up teaching at her mother-in-law’s dance studio and along the way, becomes close with the older ballerinas.

    Ballers – This is Garret’s favorite show. It stars Dwayne Johnson, who is a financial manager for professional football players. However, he also ends up helping them with all manner of other issues that come up in their lives. Yes, Garret does make Izzy watch the show with him.

    Breaking Pointe – This is another of Izzy’s favorite shows that was also cancelled much too soon. It was a reality show about a ballet company in Salt Lake City, and despite the hardships the dancers had to deal with, watching it made Izzy even more determined to join a ballet company.
Hard Knocks – This is a football reality show made by the NFL and HBO. It chronicles different teams during their training camps. Like Izzy with Breaking Pointe, watching what goes on behind the scenes on the show only makes Garret want to work harder to reach his goal of playing professional football one day.
    The Twilight Zone – This is the one show that Izzy and Garret can agree on. They both love the original Twilight Zone shows. In fact, there are a few incidences in Offsetting Penalties where they watch it together. One thing they’re able to agree on is that Time Enough at Last is their favorite episode.

Now, the moment you've all been waiting for...the giveaway!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway  
    The giveaway is for a Offsetting Penalties Prize Pack and a $5 Amazon gift card

About the Author

Ally lives in Texas with three kids, four dogs, two cats, a rabbit, assorted reptiles, and her husband. When she’s not writing, you can find her reading, binge watching Psych, Scream, Younger, and superhero movies, and letting dogs in and out of the house. She loves to cook but hates to clean up afterwards, and strongly believes that Disney World is truly magical. You can find Ally on her website, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, though she makes no claims of using any of them properly.

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What are your favorite ballet and/or football shows?

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Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!