
Monday, November 6, 2017

Sci Fi Month 2017!!

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! This post is a little late, but I wanted you the know that this month I am participating in Sci-Fi Month! I've participated twice before, and this will be my third year in a row. Sci-Fi Month is hosted by Lisa @ Over the Effing Rainbow and Imyril @ x+1!

This whole month, I'll be focusing on reading science-fiction. As the mood reader I am, I will probably read a mix of genres, but I'm gibing science fiction more attention. 

So, here are some of the books I plan on reading this month! I'm also planning on reading some short stories, which I want to do a collective review of. 

All the links are to goodreads!

1) The Empress by SJ Kincaid
2) This Mortal Coil by by Emily Suvada
3) The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula Le Guin
4) Infinity by Jus Accardo
5) Ten Thousand Skies Above You by Claudia Gray

Out of these five, I really want to read the first three. I'm actually reading The Lathe of Heaven for school, so that one if for sure going to be read. I have ARCs of The Empress and This Mortal Coil, so I also need to get to those pretty quickly. I've had Infinity and Ten Thousand Skies Above You on my shelves for *quite* a while, so I hope I'll finally make the push and actually read them!

You can also see on the collage Bloochild by Octavia Butler, Aye, and Gomorrah by Samuel R. Delany, Vaster Than Empires and More Slow by Ursula Le Guin, and Bladrunner, all of which I have to read/watch for one of my classes!

So yeah! I don't have any concrete plans right now, but I hope to incorporate some movies or TV shows as well. :)

Happy Sci-Fi Month to everyone! I'm looking forward to seeing all of your posts!

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!