Thursday, June 21, 2018

Series I Won't be Continuing

Hi everyone and welcome back (or to!) my blog! I wasn't sure what to post today, but I have seen some other posts around similar to this one, and decided to add my two cents in. I've been feeling under the weather recently, but hopefully I'll be able to get my posts up in time! I have a pretty bad headache from all my congestion, which has allowed me to just relax, color, and listen to some audiobooks though, so that's my silver lining! 

Without further ado, here are some series I won't be continuing (as of now). I'm a mood reader, and though I'm pretty certain in my choices today, I just might feel an urge to pick the series back up down the road. 

I enjoyed The Edge of Everything by Jeff Giles enough, but I don't feel compelled to continue on with the series. This seems to be a duology, but I don't want to read a book just for the sake of finishing a series. 

I have very mixed feeling on Jeff Vandermeer's Annihilation. Man, these Jeff's aren't pulling through, haha! :D There were times when I was invested in the plot, but I didn't like the narrator's voice. While my sister is going to be continuing with the series, I didn't enjoy the first book enough to warrant reading another two. I'll just learn what happens in the next two books from her. 

Don't get me wrong, Unblemished by Sara Ella wasn't a bad book. In fact, after getting through the exposition, I enjoyed myself. But I don't feel any pull towards reading the sequels, and I know that if I do, I'll just be adding a less than raving review on goodreads. 

This is one that I'm actually on the fence about. I read My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent around August last year, but I haven't made any attempt to read the second book. I had no idea that this series was seven books long when I started, and I just don't want to invest my time into such a long series right now. 

Whew, you guys. I thought Reawakened by Colleen Houck was okay. I then read the second book, and it went down a path I wasn't expecting. I read roughly 100 pages of the third book (Reunited) and just couldn't handle it. Nothing was really happening, and I had the epiphany that I simply did not care about what happened next. 

**gasp!!** How could I not read the Throne of Glass series?? Well, the answer is: I didn't like Celeana, I've heard bad things about the recent books, AND I have been spoiled on basically everything that I care about. To be blunt, I just don't give a shit about this series. At times I feel pressured to read such a well-loved series, but I don't want to read books just because they are so popular, especially if I don't like them. 

Rebel of the Sands took the YA community by (sand)storm when it was published. I even met Alwyn Hamilton a couple times, and she is so sweet and humble. But this book and I just didn't click. I thought Rebel of the Sands was okay, but I though the third act was weak and at times confusing. I might read something else written by Hamilton, but it won't be from this series. 

So those are the series that I've decided I won't be continuing! There are a couple others that I could have put on this list, but I could see myself eventually coming around to those series. 

Have you read any of these series? What is one series you think I should give another chance. Except Throne of Glass, I won't be changing my mind of that one. Sorry! :)

Thank you so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!