Thursday, July 12, 2018

Mini Book Reviews | Romance!

Title: Roomies
Author: Christina Lauren
Series? No
Pages: 368
Publication Date: December 5, 2017
Publisher: Gallery Books
Source: I checked out the paperback edition of Roomies from my local library.

Even though I mostly read Young Adult fiction, I heard a lot about Roomies from other bloggers. It seems like everyone had fun reading it, so I decided to give it a go. Little did I know that Roomies would spur a need inside me to read more romance! Author duo Christina Lauren is wildly popular, and after reading Roomies, I completely understand. The romance between the leads, Calvin and Holland, was palpable and the sex scenes were written very well. There is quite a bit of comedy in Roomies as well, which balanced out the drama interspersed through the novel. Though I don't think I would enter a marriage of convenience, as Holland does to ensure Calvin isn't deported, it did allow for a fun and sexy read! I would recommend Roomies, especially if you are more interested in contemporary romances rather than fantastical or historical romances! 

I give Roomies 4 out of 5 Flowers!

Title: Dare to Love
Author: Carly Phillips
Series? Yes, there is a series of companion novels
Pages: 256
Publication Date: January 10, 2014
Publisher: CP Publsihing
Source: I checked out an e-book from my local library via Libby. 

Once I read Roomies, I was on a romance kick, and still am. This is the most recent read of the three, and unfortunately, my least favorite. Ian and Riley had great chemistry, but I never truly believed in their writing style. I wish more time was focused on the relationship outside of sex, so that I rooted for the couple more. There also wasn't much tension. In other romance books I have read, I was worried that the couple wouldn't end up together despite how formulaic the genre can be. When reading Dare to Love, I wasn't never worried that Riley and Ian wouldn't have their happily ever after, making me less invested in the story. I am also a fan of slow burn romances, which is the opposite of what happens between Riley and Ian. Nevertheless, I am interested in reading more from Carly Phillips, and hope that I enjoy her other novels more. 

I give Dare to Love 3 out of 5 Flowers!

Title: Dating You / Hating You
Author: Christina Lauren
Series? No
Pages: 350
Publication Date: June 6, 2017
Publisher: Gallery Books
Source: I checked out the paperback edition of Dating You / Hating You from my local library. 

While I was reading Roomies, I stopped by my local library hoping that they had another Christina Lauren book on my shelf, and I was in luck! Dating You / Hating You follows two love interests, Carter and Evie, who have an amazing first date before realizing that their media companies are merging and they have to compete for one job position. The sparks fly off these two as they try to sabotage each other and fight against their strong attraction to each other. Though the pranks were hilarious, eventually I grew tired of Carter and Evie's immaturity and wish that the resolution came sooner. As with Roomies, however, I had such a fun time reading the book and was wholly invested in the relationship. I'm looking forward to reading ever more Christina Lauren in the future, as she hasn't disappointed me with what I have read. 

I give Dating You / Hating You 4 out of 5 Flowers! 

Have you read any of these books? What did you think? What are some of your favorite romance novels? Sound off in the comments below! 

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!