
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

BOOK REVIEW | Life on the Leash by Victoria Schade

Title: Life on the Leash
Author: Victoria Schade
Series? No, Life on the Leash is a standalone novel.
Pages: 352
Publisher: Gallery Books
Publication Date: September 18, 2018
Source: I received Life on the Leash via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own! Thank you to Gallery Books for providing the ARC.
Must Love Dogs meets My Not So Perfect Life in this hilarious romantic comedy about a dog trainer who’s a master at managing her four-legged friends, but when it comes to her love life...let’s just say she still has a lot to learn.

Cora Bellamy is a woman who thrives on organization. She’s successfully run her own dog training business for years, perfectly content with her beloved rescue pitbull as the main man in her life. She’s given everything to her business, and her lack of social life (or slobber-free clothes) has been completely worth it.

But all that changes when she meets Charlie Gill, the hottest client she’s ever had. The only problem? Charlie’s taken. Luckily, Cora has a new friend—the sweet, lovably geeky Eli Crawford. More loyal than a retriever, he’s always there to help Cora with her problems, including her love life. That’s why she’s shocked to realize that even as things start heating up with Charlie, there might just be a more-than-friends spark between her and Eli, too.

As Cora’s life gets more tangled up than a dogwalker’s leashes—and as she prepares to audition for a dog-training TV show that may irrevocably change her entire life—she has to figure things out before it all goes straight to the dogs.

Charming, witty, and warm-hearted, Life on the Leash inspires you to cheer for every underdog looking for love.

Life on the Leash is the newest release, and fictional debut, for author Victoria Schade. Before publishing Life on the Leash, Schade wrote two dog training books and has been a dog trainer for over 17 years. Her newest release chronicles Cora, a dog trainer, and her life. Readers get an inside look into Cora's life for a couple months, where she meets two love interests, plenty of gods, and gets an opportunity to *possibly* be on TV. There's a lot going on, and it made Life on the Leash a quick and entertaining read.  

As a dog lover, I loved all the doggos in Life on the Leash. The main character, Cora, is a dog trainer, so we have a ton of scenes with dogs. She has her own dog, and then a ton of clients she works with. Not all the scnes are happy though! Cora has a couple of clients that mistreat their dogs, and it hurt my heart! All worked out in the end, and I'm glad Schade gave all the dogs a happy ending. There were some duex ex machinas though. All of a sudden, we have a random character hop in and save the day, which I found to be a little odd. Nevertheless, all the dogs made the book a good time.  

When I read Life on the Leash, I was unaware of Schades prior experience as a dog trainer. Even though I was unaware, it was obvious that the information was accurate. Cora always knew what she was talking about, and she acted as a vessel for Schade's own training tips to flow from. 

Though Schade's expertise in dog trainer shined, her inexperience as a fiction writer was also pervalent. Life on the Leash wasn't bad by any means, but some things happened without warning, like the duex ex machinas I mentioned earlier. Plus, there wasn't as much build up in the romance as I have come to expect. If I were to read another novel from Schade, I would want more balance between the dogs and the romance.  

Another (abliet small) issue I had with Life on the Leash was the misleading synopsis. When I read the synopsis, I assume that one of the central plot lines was Cora's love life, and how it is very much a triangle as she decides between two men. However, Cora's life was more like a secondary plot, taking a back burner to her work as a dog trainer and all that entails. Having an inside look into Cora's hectic life was entertaining, but not what I signed up for. Life on the Leash had a lovely plot, but I was a bit taken aback by it. 

If you are a dog lover like me, I would recommend Life on the Leash. Cora's work is the main focus, with the romances being secondary. Schade is a professional dog trainer, and it shows in the book. Cora always seemed professional, and the book was both entertaining and informative. The novel's 352 pages flew by! Life on the Leash is perfect for a rainy day while cuddling with your furry friend.  

With that, I give Life on the Leash
3.5 out of 5 Dogs!