10) The Raging Ones by Krista and Becca Ritchie
I am determined to finish Mirage. I was about 60 percent of the way through before I moved into university. Mirage moves a bit slower than I'm accustomed, so I already wasn't making quick progress. when I moved in, I wanted quick reads, like romance novels, so I put this one on pause. I've really loved what I have read though, so I want to acutally finish it!
I just downloaded the ARC for Analee, in Real Life. I read the first 50 or so pages just to get a feel, and I enjoyed myself! After finishing my current reads, I want to devote some more time to Analee. Analee is a compelling narrator, and I'm interested to see how the romance is going to play out!
This is one of my current reads right now. Honestly, I'm not enjoying Mr. Nice Guy that much. Both of the protagonists are unlikeable, and I'm having a hard time rooting for either of them. Plus, the secondary characters seem pointless. *sigh* I want to like this one, but it's not working out that well.
I ALSO have an ARC of Trouble Brewing. I went crazy one day requesting books, okay?? Can you tell from this list? All I know is that this is a romance book about a female beer brewer. I mean...coutn me in!
This is another YA sci fi read...and an ARC. I haven't downloaded this one, but I'm auto-approved for Simon and Schuster Children's, and one I finish the ARCs above, I'm planning on downloading this one. Addiction, cannibalistic robots? Um..yes!
This Mortal Coil was one of my favorite books of last year. Simon & Schster has this one on NetGalley as well, and I am going to download it after finishing the aforementioned ARCs. After the major twist from the last book, I'm interested to see how the plot unfolds.
I always listen to the audiobooks on this series, and I can't wait for Nightblood to come in! Right now I'm on the waitlist, and it'll be a couple weeks before I get it. Frostblood was okay, but Fireblood was such a massive improvement! I'm looking forward to this conclusion!
I guess the theme of these last four are sequels! My Plain Jane has been out for a couple months, but I haven't gotten the chance to pick it up. I loved My Lady Jane. The audiobook was hilarious, and there were a couple times I laughed out loud. I'm hoping I'll love the sequel and have just has much fun as I did the first time.
I just recently read The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue. I didn't ~love~ the book (what a weird plot!), but it was a really entertaining read! Felicity was my favorite character, so having a book all about her is going to be amazing.
Are you planning on reading any of these books? Have you read any of them? Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!