Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be talking about the books I'm going to be reading this fall break. My fall break isn't too long - it starts from 5pm on October 17th to 8am on October 22nd. Essentially, I have Thursday and Friday off. Even though it's only a four day weekend, I do have some reading plans!
Here are the books I plan to finish over fall break!
I've been sitting around the 75-80 percent mark of Mr. Nice Guy for some time. I'm just not enjoying the book as much as I wanted to. I just need 30 minutes or so to finish this one up! I hope to finish this one Wednesday night so I can focus on books that I'm currently reading and enjoying a lot more.
I've read almost 150 pages of Analee, in Real Life. The book is a little over 400 pages, and I know I can knock this one out. If I'm being ambitious, I want to finish this one Wednesday night. If I'm being realistic, I'll probably finish this one sometime Thursday.
I have had the weirdest reading experience with Mirage. I was really enjoying it, and then school started and I just put it down. I was interested in the book, but not enough to find time during the day to read it. Now that it's fall break, I have all the time to read this. I'm about 60 percent of the way through. If I take the time to read, I think I could finish this one on Thursday or Friday.
I normally take around a week and a half to read audiobooks, but I only have this one for three days. I'm putting this one on the "to finish" list just because I'd really like to read this before time runs out. If need be, I'll re-request it and finish it later.
I'm nearing the 200 page mark for LoS. I've been spoiled for the ending, but the journey towards it has been great so far. This book is huge though, so I'm not too sure I'll find the time to actually finish it. However, definite progress will be made!
Have you read any of these books? What did you think? Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!