Thursday, November 1, 2018

October Wrap Up!

Hello everyone and welcome back to my post! I'm Genni, and today I'll be wrapping up what I've read in October!

Schoolwork got pretty hectic, so I only read 8 books this month. I'm glad I managed to get to any though!

Without further ado, here are the books I read this past October!

1) Before We Were Free by Julia Alverez

I don't have much to say about Before We Were Free. I think I'm all talked-out, considering my class discussed this novel for over a week. It was good, and I recommend it. That is all! 

2) My Plain Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows
Thoughts While Listening To...

My Plain Jane is the sequel to My Lady Jane, which was one of my favorite books of last year. Like many others, I though My Plain Jane didn't measure up. It was good, but I was a little disappointed. The humor missed about half the time for me. 

3) Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young


Sky in the Deep was one of my favorite reads from this past month. There was an emphasis on family and what it means to be loyal. Plus, Eelyn was a kick-ass protagonist.

4) Henry IV Part 1 by William Shakespeare

I'm still doing the readings for my Shakespeare class, as you could tell. I thought about putting Henry V up here, but I only read 4 of the 5 acts. Does that count?? Anyways, Henry IV Part 1 is the first history play by Shakespeare I've read. I actually quite liked it! I still enjoyed Much Ado About Nothing more, but Henry IV Part 1 is my second favorite of the class. 

5) Mr. Nice Guy by Jennifer Miller and Jason Feifer

 I'm done thinking and talking about this book. Mr. Nice Guy is advertised as a romance novel, and it took me about a month to finish it! A month!!! For me, I usually finish romance  novels between 1 to 4 days, so a month is astronomical. Why did I take so long to read Mr. Nice Guy? One, because it's not really a romance novel. Secondly, both the protagonists are sucky people, especially Lucas, who is absolute trash. Third, nothing happens for a long time, and I got bored. I'm glad to have finished this one, just so that my Netgalley ratio didn't get hurt.

6) Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

I've literally read this play 4 times now. If I ever have to read this for my academic career again, I'll be pretty annoyed. I get it. Romeo and Juliet is a great play. But I'm so done reading it! This one was definitely easier to understand than the historical plays, at least for me, and my brain loved the reprieve. 

7) Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian 

 Wait...I actually read more than one audiobook this week? What is life? It might have taken a good month to finish Ash Princess (no time for listening!), but I enjoyed what I read! It wasn't the best YA fantasy, but it does have some elements that I really enjoyed.

8) Analee, in Real Life by Janelle Milanes
Analee, in Real Life is by far my favorite book of the month. This one hit me hard. Analee's insecurities and anxiety was much like mine, and it was wonderful seeing that represented! This is also own voices rep, at least for ethnicity. I'm not too sure about mental health, but Milanes did is spot on!

Life Updates!

My HerCampus Articles!

If you are unaware, I'm now writing for HerCampus! HerCampus is the number one college magazine for collegiate women. There are over 300 chapters, and my university has one! I write an article a week for them, and it's been a great experience. Here are the links to the articles I've written over at HC!

#CelebratingUNC: Trailblazers
How to Retain Your Confidence in College 

That was my October? How was yours? 

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!