Nevertheless, here are the 10 books that are at the top of my list.
The Last Hope (The Raging Ones #2) by Becca and Krista Ritchie
The Last Hope is the sequel to Krista and Becca Ritchie's sci-fi/fantasy novel, The Raging Ones. While I did find The Raging Ones slow, I thought the premise and characters were so strong, pushing me to download the sequel from Netgalley. I just started this one, and I have high hopes for this conclusion to the duology. You can read my review of the first book here.
Again, but Better by Christine Riccio
I mentioned earlier this year that Again, but Better was one of my most anticipated reads. I have watched Christine's videos since the dawn of time (at least, it feels that way), and have been watching her progress with Again, but Better since her first video on it. Needless to say, I was excited. However, I started hearing some pretty mixed things, so I took my time with picking it up. I'm about 100 pages at the time of writing this post, and most likely will be done by the time you're reading. I'm enjoying it now, even though I see the flaws others have discussed.
The Lady Rogue by Jenn Bennett
It's no secret that Jenn Bennett is one of my favorite authors. Read my rave reviews of her contemporary novels here (Serious Moonlight), here (Starry Eyes), and here (Alex, Approximately). After hearing that Bennett's upcoming release was a historical fiction, I wanted to give it a go. I don't stray away from my contemporary reads that much, but I will for Bennett.
Bewitching by Jill Barnett
This might come of as an odd pick, and you're right! This year, I've decided to participated in Romanceopoly. Though I haven't done as well as I hoped with the challenge this year, Bewitching does fit the prompt for my current challenge to read a romance novel where the protagonist can wield magic. Now I just have to make the time for it!
Twisted Family Values by VC Chickening
I'm not too sure if I'm going to have time for Twisted Family Values this month, but I do want to get to it soon, so I decided to be an optimist today! I received Twisted Family Values via Netgalley, and ever since interning at Algonquin Books last semester, I've wanted to read more literary/adult fiction in my free time. This fits the bill!
The Fever King (Feverwake #1) by Victoria Lee
Much like Twisted Family Values, The Fever King is also a book I received via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I actually started to read this right before finals last semester, but put it down once finals season was really upon me. It's now been about a month since I've been out of school, and I definitely have the time to now to read this e-arc.
Wild and Crooked by Leah Thomas
Okay, there's definitely a trend here. And yes, I know I need to read my ARCs! Yet again, Wild and Crooked is another arc I downloaded. Honestly, I downloaded this on a whim and I'm not too sure what it's about, but I've seen some good reviews from bloggers whose opinions I tend to agree with lately, so I think I'll like it.
I saw this a week or so ago on Netgalley and immediately requested it. I don't read too many anthologies, but The (Other) F Word: A Celebration of the Fat and Fierce really spoke to me, solely from its title. As someone who is trying to accept her body, I've begun to read more fat-positive literature (I highly recommend There's Something About Sweetie by Sandhya Menon), and this fit the bill.
Start Here by Trish Doller
I received a physical arc of Start Here from Simon and Schuster just a week after contemplating on requesting it from Netgalley. This came at the perfect time, and I'm looking forward to reading a a novel that seems to balance the fun of a summer read and more somber topics.
Containment by Caryn Lix
Last but certainly not least guessed it! Another arc. Do I have a problem? Yes. However, I actually haven't downloaded this one yet, so my NetGalley ratio is perfectly in tact. After reading Sanctuary by Caryn Lix last year (review here), I have been wanting to read the sequel since. Once I get through some of the other books on this list, I'm going to head over to NetGalley and download.
Are any of these books on your list or have you read any? What were your thoughts?
Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!