Friday, November 27, 2015

The Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings) No. 2

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! Today I am going to be participating in the weekly meme the Friday 56. The rules are pretty simlple, pick a book, go to page 56 or 56% of your ebook, and highlight a portion of that page here!  Book Beginnings is another weekly meme where you highlight a book as well where you feature the first couple sentences!

Friday 56 is hosted by Freda over at Freda's Voice. Rose City reader hosts Book Beginnings over at her blog! Be sure to check both of these lovely ladies out! :)

Friday 56 - The Crystal Key (Starjumper Legacy #1) by Christopher Bailey

"Allie took a moment to wonder why he was so curious, but decided he just wanted to help her reconnect with her own mother, maybe in some way to connect with his own through hers. They had no idea where his mother was either, but he had always firmly refused to talk about it so she had stopped asking a long time ago."

Okay, so The Crystal Key is my current read. By current read, I mean I opened it on my phone and read one page before deciding to go to sleep instead. I wasn't in the reading mood at the time, but the plot seems interesting enough. Both this and Illuminae are science fiction reads, and I want to finish both my the time the month ends! I have high hopes, but who knows? I'm on break right now from school! This passage gives me insight to both characters. Obviously, they have both lost their mothers, but the 'he' in the passage makes me cautious. Why is he so curious? Or maybe this is my paranoia setting in... haha! 

Book Beginnings - Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

"So here's the file that almost killed me, Director.

I won't bore you with the tally of databases plundered, light years jumped, or cute, sniffling orphans created in its compilation - our fee already reflects Level of Difficulty. But this dirt is out there, if you know where to look. Seems your clean up crews weren't quite as thorough as you'd like, and your little corporate war isn't quite as secret as you hoped."

Talk about an intriguing opening! I haven't started this book yet, but it is the next one I am going to after finishing my current read! Just reading that part of the book makes me want to pick up Illuminae. I completely love the intrigue of this story and the first two paragraphs keep me intrigued. Corporate war? Count me in! Also, this passage has me riddled with questions already. Who was this sent to and who is the Director? Why is there a corporate war and why must it be kept hidden? All answers I'm looking forward to getting when I read this novel!

That's it for my post today guys! Have you read any of these two books? If so, what did you think of them?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you guys soon with another post!

Happy Reading! 

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!