Sunday, November 15, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Adaptions I'm Looking Forward To!

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! Today's Top Ten Tuesday is about all the book adaptations coming out that I cannot wait for! I'm not going to limit these adaptations to just movies; there's some great TV shows coming out or optioned as well! Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and Bookish. Be sure to check them out! These are in no particular order!

1.) Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Obsidian was optioned for film in 2013 and just got its production company this year! I'm super excited to see how the film will be portrayed in the movies! I already know that if it does come out *fingers crossed*, I'm going to love it! The series is so much fun to read. Check out Armentrout's post about it here!

2.) Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver

Before I Fall was optioned way back when by Fox 2000, but is now being adapted by Awesomeness Films. I read Before I Fall a really long time ago, but I loved it! It was just announced in September that Zoey Deutch is going to play the main character, Samantha. Deutch has starred in both Beautiful Creatures and Vampire Academy, so she knows what she's doing.

3.) Shadowhunters by Cassandra Clare

Shadowhunters is the television adaption of The Mortal Instruments. It's coming to ABC Family, or should I say Freeform (such a cringeworthy name!) in January! I'm sure you guys know that The Mortal Instruments was adapted in 2013 into a movie. (Guess what I'm watching right now?) I heard that the show derives from the book a lot, so I'm a bit nervous.

4.) Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

I was so excited to hear the news that Shatter Me was being made into a TV show! Shatter Me is one of my favorite series, so I can't wait to see it on the silver screen. Find out more here! I think that Shatter Me will be better as a TV show than a movie just so that we can get all the back stories and everything.

5.) Mockingjay Pt. 2 by Suzanne Collins

To say I'm hyped for this is an understatement! Every movie in the series has been so good and I can't wait for this epic conclusion! I'm so nervous about you-know-what. Also this movie poster guys! So. good.

6.)  We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

We Were Liars kind of blew my mind when I read it last summer. E Lockhart wrote the script, so I know its going to be good! Find out more here!

7.) The Selection by Kiera Cass

The Selection has been optioned before for TV by the CW, but never made it to the screen. Warner Bros. optioned the film in April! Find out more here!

8.) Graceling

There hasn't been much news about the Graceling movie since it has been optioned for film, but I won't let that rain of my parade! I completely love the novel and hope that it will be made into a movie! Click here to go to the IMBD page about it!

9.) Angelfall

Angelfall was such an epic book, so I hope it is translated well when it comes to the big screen! As of now, the movie has a writer and producer and is in development. Learn more about it here!

10.) Cinder

There hasn't been much news about the movie adaptation for Cinder or any of the other Lunar Chronicles novels. I just went to one of the stops on Marissa Meyer's tour (post is coming soon!!) and she said that they are being secretive and nothing it set in stone. Maybe they'll see just how crazy the book community is about these books and will actually do something?

So that's my top ten book to movie/TV adaptions! Did we have any in common? What are some of your most anticipated ones?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you guys soon with another post! 

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

P.S. Sorry this is sooo late! :)