Thursday, December 24, 2015

Top 5 Wednesday: Series I Want to Start!

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni and today I'm participating in Top 5 Wednesday! Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Lainey from gingerreadslainey. It is a weekly meme that gives a theme and we respond with five answers. If you're interested, check out our goodreads group here!

This prompt is series that we want to start next year. All of these five I had planned to read this year but never got around to. These are in no particular order! :)

Firebird Trilogy by Claudia Gray

It's really a shame I haven't started this series yet. This series has been on my radar before the first book was released in November. The hype of this series is unreal for this series and I hope that I will like it. If you don't know, the first book, A Thousand Pieces of You, is about Marguerite traveling through parallel worlds to find the murderer of her parents. Also, look at that cover! It's so pretty!

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

This is yet another hyped up series. I was planning on reading Red Queen right as it was released, but the buzz about this book was insane. I decided that I would just wait for it to die down just to be sure that my opinion wasn't influenced by the massive amounts of reviews flowing in. My expectations aren't that high for this book, so hopefully I won't be too disappointed! Red Queen is set in a dystopian fantasy world where people with red blood are normal humans and those with silver have super powers. Mare, our main character, realizes that she has a deadly power of her own, but she has red blood.

Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis

I've heard consistently great things about this dystopian novel. Plus, this series is only a duology, which makes me even more enticed because it is not too much commitment to get into the series. If you haven't heard about this duology, the two books follows apparent badass Lynn as she protects her one source of water after a severe drought occurs. Besides that, I don't know too much about it. I want to read the book without knowing too much and not having really any expectations.

Heirs of Watson Island by Martina Boone

I bought both A Thousand Pieces of You and Compulsion, the first book in the Heirs of Watson Island trilogy, during a book signing. A year has now come and gone since buying these books. I keep of seeing Compulsion on my shelf and really want to read this it. Once again, I don't know too much expect that the book features a age old curse that I am assuming the main character is trying to break. I've heard a lot of things about this series, mostly good but some bad, and I want to see for myself where I fall in the spectrum.

Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh

The Wrath and the Dawn had to be one of the most hyped up young adult books of 2015! People went crazy when this book came out. Though I love jumping on the bandwagon along with everyone else, I wanted the talk to go down so that my opinion wouldn't be altered. This novel is the debut novel from Renee Ahdieh and is a retelling of A Thousand and One Arabian Nights, which is much loved as well. I did actually start reading this book earlier in 2015 but had to put it down due to my schedule. Hopefully I'll get around fit in 2016!

That's it for this Top 5 Wednesday post! Sorry it was a day late. Christmas shopping and a sleepover will do that to you. :D Have you read any of the series mentioned above? What are some series you want to start in 2016?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!