Saturday, January 2, 2016

Best Books of 2015!

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be showing you the best books I have read in 2015. I read quite a lot of books in 2015 (123!), which surpassed my goodreads goal on 100. With a total of 35,718 pages read, my average book was 290 pages long. I'm very pleased to say that I finished quite a lot of series, and only a few are showcased down below! While I did have my disappointments, 2015 was mainly a year of surprise. My average rating last year was 3.8 stars! Needless to say, I am really proud of myself and hope this year is just as good.

Here are some of my favorite books of 2015!


Young Adult

 New Adult

Best Series

Finished This Year

1.)Unearthly Trilogy


2.)Shatter Me Trilogy

3.)Dark Elements Series

 4.)Defiance Trilogy

5.)Lunar Chronicles

6.)White Rabbit Chronicles

Ongoing/Started This Year



And those were my favorite books of 2015! Do we have any books in common? If you did a post like this, be sure to link it below. I'd love to check it out. :)

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!