Saturday, January 30, 2016

Adaption Talk: Thoughts While Watching Shadowhunters S1 E3

Hey guys! I'm Genni and today I'll be talking about the third episode of the Shadowhunters TV show. What I did was just listeed my thoughts as the episode went on. I really liked doing this, and if you do as well, I'll be continuing it! I probably won't be doing it for every episode, but every few.

1.) Clary and Jace actually have some chemistry together, but their scene learning about the seraph blade was pretty cheesy.

2.) Meliorn looks so gross it's not even funny. What happened to the Seelie being the most beautiful beings ever?

3.) "Oh my god. They're vampires." Well yes Clary, that would be expected out of blood sucking creatures that have fangs.

4.) Clary and Jace? Have you ever heard a personal bubble? You literally just met him..STOP.

5.) This is Camille, right? I never pictured her like this at all..

6.) Isabelle isn't subtle at all when she's fishing for information. I don't appreciate how they are making Isabelle so sexualized she doesn't even have a personality. 

7.) "You remind me of me, Alec. A loyal friend standing in the shadow...Don't make the same mistake I did..." Pretty good scene between Hodge and Alec. I liked the subtle foreshadowing.

8.) How could Jace have expected Clary to not fall under the vampires charms? She was raised as a mundane! I thought mundanes were supposed to be the ignorant ones. 

9.) I don't feel comfortable seeing Simon make out this much. Haha!

10.) "We've been breached." You're in a hotel, not a freaking war camp. Are they seriously doing this to Simon so easily into the season?

11.) I love Simon! Alberto is the best actor on this show so far. This is my face whenever there is a scenes with Alberto. 

12.) The scene with Clary and Jace are some of Dom's strongest so far. He's definitely improved since the first show, but he's still pretty bad. 

13.) Clary :"You've never been bitten? You've never been in love.." Jace:"...It fades, just like love." Oh god here I think Jace and Clary scenes are strong but then they have cheesy lines like this.

14.) Oh god the graphics for the vampires erupting are so bad. Why do we have to see a skeleton in some orange sparkles?

15.) "You really know how to hurt a guy." Random vampire, you have no idea. :D *cue Simon's heartbreak*

16.) Wow, I really do appreciate some slow mo walking in a pack. Not. The cheese factor in this show is off the charts.

17.) This scene actually makes me feel nervous. They have changed so much of the books, that it makes me intrigued because I don't even know what is going to happen. 

18.) "Jace Wayland! Remember who your friends are." Is that foreshadowing for what happens with Hodge?

19.) I low key ship Clary and Simon together on the show even though I hate a romantic relationship with them in the books. This unrequited love makes me feel so bad for Simon. It's probably because Clary has way more chemistry with Simon right now. 

20.) We all know that Alec hates Clary so much because he's trying to protect Jace and he's jealous. I'm over it. I already read a whole entire book with Alec being an ass-hat and I'd rather not have to do it all over again. 

21.) We're finally seeing a scene that makes it seem as if Alec and Jace are parabatai. Thank goodness! Also, Alec is totally looking at Jace's lips in this shot of the episode!

22.) Wow, that pumping vein. Way to be subtle, really. I'm excited to see Alberto in those scenes!

So yeah, I definitely had my issues with the episode, but it was a lot better than the first two for me. Dominic Sherwood, the actor who plays Jace, improved a lot this episode in comparison. The CGI was still really bad, but it's a minute detail. My favorite aspect still remains Alberto. He's the strongest actor so far in the series, and I think it is because at the time of filming, he was the only one who read all the books. You can tell he has a full feel of the character.

Though they made a lot of changes in the series, the plot still interests me even if they are doing everything in the wrong order. I feel like if I watched this series without reading the books, I would be more into the series.

Here's a gif that wraps up all my thoughts!

What did you guys think of the third episode of Shadowhunters? Have you decided to stop or continue with the series?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!