I actually did a review of First! It is a read now book from NetGalley, so if this book sounds interesting, give it a go! I was very conflicted with First. It's pretty much two new adult stories put into just one book. I think two separate books would have been better. That way, the characters could have been expanded and the lot wouldn't be as rushed. The book fell right down the middle for me, so I gave it 2.5 stars!
5.) Defy by Sara B. Larson - 3 Stars

Day 21 is the second book from the 100 trilogy by Kass Morgan. These novels are the basis for the CW show The 100, which is one of my favorite TV shows on air right now. Unfortunately, I didn't like the second installment as much as the first. I'm still trying to collect my thoughts, but I am very torn on the progression of the series. As a fan of the TV show, I was expecting more similarities to the cut-throat world that I watch every week. Needless to say, it wasn't as badass as I wanted it to be.
3.) The 100 by Kass Morgan - 3.5 Stars

2.) Ignite by Sara B. Larson - 3.5 Stars

My favorite book of the month was the final book in the Defy trilogy! This was such a step up from the other two. My only complaint was that the villains were pretty one dimensional. They were just the classic bad guys. I like villains that have a god backstory with them, like Levana from the Lunar Chronicles.
Other Posts of the Month!
Top 5 Wednesday: Biggest Badasses
Adaption Talk: Shannara Chronicles
Book Blitz: Starflight by Melissa Landers
Book Review: First by M.A. Grant
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten OTPs in YA Books!
Adaption Talk: The 100 S3E4 - Watch the Thrones
January 2016 Wrap Up!
Characters I'd Like to Spend a Snow Day With!
Currently Reading - Day 21, DIMLY (February 2016)
Waiting on Wednesday #1
Top Ten Tuesday: Books Outside My Comfort Zone
Adaption Talk: Shadowhunters S1E7 - Major Arcana
Book Review: Defy Series by Sara B. Larson
And that is my wrap up of February! Have you read any of the books I did? What were some standouts of February for you?
Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!