Saturday, March 26, 2016

"This or That?" Book Tag!

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! Earlier this month I was tagged to do the "This or That?" book tag where I am asked a series of questions. You guys will get a better feel of my reading tastes with these questions!

I have to shout of the lovely Lauren from Always Me! She was the blogger that tagged me and every one of you should check her out. She is the best!

Reading on the bed, or on the couch?
I definitely read on the couch more! I'm that reader who always tosses and turns when I try reading in my bed. 

 Male, or female main character?
To be honest, I don't have a preference. YA normally has female main characters though, so I read more about female main characters.  

Sweet, or salty snacks while reading? 
Salty! I absolutely love salty snacks. Just a couple weeks ago I was obsessed with cheese pretzels. <3

 Trilogies, or quartets? 
Once again, I don't really have a preference as long as it is done well. But if I had to choose between a trilogy or quartet and I didn't know anything about the plot, I would choose quartet, and I don't know why. 

First-person, or third-person POVs?
I like first person more. I feel that I can connect to the characters a lot more and that is a key aspect to my reading experience. I don't mind third person, but it's hard to feel for the characters as much as i do with first person. 

Reading at night, or in the morning?
Is afternoon an option? I do most of my reading in the afternoon to night because I'm either running late or sleeping in the morning. :D

Bookstores, or libraries?
Fun fact about me: I'm cheap. If I can get a book at a library, I will read it from there and then buy it if I loved it. Definitely libraries. 

Books that make you laugh, or cry?
I would say a book that makes me laugh. I don't go into books looking to cry or laugh, but it impresses me more if I laugh out loud while reading. I'm an easy crier and it doesn't take much! 

Black, or white book covers?
White I guess! I really like negative space in book covers, so I would have to go with white. Also, there are way to many black covers. 

 Character, or plot-driven stories?   
I'll have to steal Lauren's answer and say both! The perfect book not only has characters that I fall in love with, but a world as well.

Bloggers I'm Tagging:

Cari & Haley @ My Addiction: Books
Anna @ Enchanted by YA
Brittnee @ Geronimo Reads
Laura @ Blue Eye Books 

So that was the This or That Book Tag! Thanks again Lauren for tagging me. :D

Thanks guys for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!