Saturday, March 12, 2016

Adaption Talk: Shadowhunters S1E9 - Rise Up

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni and today I'll be doing another adaption talk of Shadowhunters, the TV adaption of the Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. As with every adaption talk, my thoughts will be listed below as I watch the episode! Hope you enjoy! :D

1.) Last week's episode was my favorite of the year, so hopefully this won't disappoint!

2.) I already like Simon's reaction to his vampirism.

3.) Kat McNamara's acting is really strong with these scenes about Simon. It's actually really believable that she cares about him.

4.) The whole Forsaken plot is throwing me off....what's the point of all of City of Glass if they're going to do this to the plot?

5.) Why are Jace and Clary kissing right now? Their relationship works so well because they know how to balance priorities.

6.) I don't like how Magnus isn't as strong of a character as he is in the novel. Magnus knows what he wants and is confident. This doesn't seem like the same person.

 7.) Why is Meliorn even a character.... he serves no point really.

8.) Even though Alec's plot is drastically different from the books, I'm interested to see how it will play out.

9.) The scene with Simon, Clary, and his mom was SO good!

10.) Shade THROWN by quarterback Alec Lightwood to wide receiver Robert Lightwood!

11.) In Simon's case, I would be happy that my best friend gave me some more time with my friends and family!

12.) Okay, Dom's line "Jace Wayland is Switzerland." is so Jace, but the line wasn't delivered well at all. It didn't seem sassy!

13.) The fact that I get excited for any scene with Simon is saying something! He's such a strong actor.

14.) I like the set up for this situation between Clary and Simon at Hotel DuMort. I like that it tests the boundaries of their friendship. 

15.) Aw man, poor Magnus. :( At least they're drawing out Malec's relationship. Unlike SOME relationships. *cough* Clace *cough*

16.) I like that Lydia is a really complex character. Hopefully she won't be an antagonist of every episode!

17.) I completely adore Simon and Clary's friendship! <3

18.) Downworlders and Shadowhunters have been fighting for hundreds of years. One speech won't change it. It's why we have this wonderful thing called City of Glass!

19.) Loved the whole pun-off thing between Raphael and Luke!

20.) Paraba-WHYY stop fighting! Also, what the heck Jace! Best scene so far when he said he'd want to die before they were on different sides. *claps*

21.) Alec you're breaking my heart just like you did Jace's.

22.) While Simon and Clary's friendship grew stronger, Jace and Alec's crumpled.

23.) "You're still you. I'm still me." SO GOOD! Also, good music in the background. It actually fit the mood.

24.) When you're such a big Sizzy fan you have to look away when Izzy kisses another guy.

25.) Nice ending! It's making me anticipate the next episode.

So, it was a pretty good episode! It didn't blow me away, but there were several scenes that did. Every and any scene between Kat (Clary) and Alberto (Simon) were amazing! The fight scene between Matthew (Alec) and Dom (Jace) was really strong. I think that the show more accurately portrays friendship. I really feel for them in that sense, but the chemistry is really lacking when they try to do romantic relationships. So far, Matthew and Harry (Magnus) are the weakest to me.

I'm excited to see what will come in the next episode in the alternate universe! The plots have strayed very far away from each other, but the TV show still is intriguing.

What were your thoughts on the the episode?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with a another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!