Tuesday, May 10, 2016

April 2016 Wrap Up!

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! In April I read 5 books. It's not the best, but by the end of May I'll have taken my AP tests and SATs (I just took my SAT this Saturday guys. It went well but it was exhausting!), so I'll have a bit more a free time before finals. I'll be listing the five books I read from worst to best.

5.) Switched by Amanda Hocking
I was so underwhelmed by Switched, the first book in Hocking's indie turned self-published Trylle series. Hocking has been on my radar for a while, so I decided to finally pick up one of her books. While the concept was really interesting, I didn't like the main character or her love interest. It felt like nothing really happened in the novel until the last 30 or so pages. However, I'll be continuing on with the series because I am still interested in what will happen. 2.75 Stars

4.) Too Late by Colleen Hoover
I am conflicted about Too Late by Colleen Hoover. It's the first of CoHo's books that I didn't love. While it was such an interesting story, I felt like Luke, the love interest, was one dimensional, as was the main character to an extent. Hoover wrote two epilogues and a prologue after the last chapter, and they didn't really add anything to the book for me. They didn't capture my interest and I felt like they were unnecessary. I did like this book, but I was expecting so much more. I have a review of this one here, but my rating is now lower.  3.75 Stars

3.) Homecoming by Kass Morgan
Homecoming is the final book in Morgan's The 100 trilogy. This was my favorite out of the series by far. The trilogy definitely improved as it progressed. However, it didn't blow my mind either. overall, I like the television adaption more than the book series. If you're able to keep an open mind while reading this story and not compare the two, then I feel like you will enjoy the series. If not, skip it. 4 Stars

2.) Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton
I wanted to love this book so much. Unfortunately, something was just missing for me to do so.I couldn't connect to the characters that much, which is a big part of me enjoying a book. However, I loved the setting and I am very interested to see what happens in the sequel. You can follow this link to see my review! 4 Stars

1.) The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
I am so surprised at how much I enjoyed this classic. I read this for my English class, and I wasn't very hesitant to do so. However, I ended up really liking it (but not loving it). If I were to read it again just for pleasure, I think I would enjoy it more. The set reading pace I had to follow took away from my overall enjoyment of the book. I don't really know how to rate this one just because of how complex the story is. 4.25 stars? 

And that was my April Wrap Up! I'm not going to be linking my post of April just because I should be studying for my AP English exam tomorrow than doing this. :D

What books did you read in April? If you made a wrap-up, link it below so I can see it!

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!