Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Book Review: The Sound of Us by Julie Hammerle

*I recieved The Sound of Us via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are my own!*

The Sound of Us was such a blast. 

Julie Hammerle's debut novel exceeded my expectations. My recent reads have been disappointing me, and The Sound of Us was a breath of fresh air. Our protagonist, Kiki, is the most genuine main character I have read from in quite a while. I appreciated how she wasn't this perfect person, inside and out. Her summer journey was so much fun to read. 

The Sound of Us is about the quirky and hilarious main character Kiki and her summer experience at Kraus, a presitigous university. She is there for the summer, learning the in and outs of becoming an opera singer all the while fighting for one of the seven scholarships to attend the university free of charge. 

My favorite aspect of this whole entire book was Kiki. She was such a relatable and likable character. Hammerle perfectly captured the confidence issues of a teenage girl. Kiki started as a girl unsure of who she is and who she is meant to be. By the end of the novel, she is not only sure of herself, but of her future as well. It was great to see her transition into a more confident young adult. 

Another aspect I appreciated was the music. Music is a part of me, and I loved how it was so accurately depicted in the novel. I loved how Hammerle showed every side of music. Not only did she show that music can be fun, but she also showed how much pressure it can put on a person as well. 

However, I did have some minor complaints. One  thing that I didn't like that much from the book was how repetitive it became sometimes. After a while, Kiki's narrative didn't differ ever. Though I liked her as a character, Kiki's witty remarks seemed to be overdone. The romance wasn't the best either. Though I really loved Kiki and her love interest, it didn't leave me with a lasting impression. It was cute, but it wasn't awe-inspiring. The focus of the book was not on the romance though, so it did not affect my reading experience that much. Besides that, I don't have that many complaints. I actually loved the ending, even though it was vague. It gave promise to a happy future, but didn't set anything in stone. 

I would recommend this to anyone who wants a fun YA contemporary read! The Sound of Us is perfect for the summer and I am looking forward to its release. Also, can we talk about the cover? Because it is beautiful. It's one of my favorite covers of this year so far!

With that, I give this book 
4 out of 5 Stars!

What are some books that you've recently read that are perfect for the summer?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!