Hey everyone! Welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I am going to be wrapping up April. Though April was an extremely busy month for me (I've been prepping for AP exams the whole month and finals are looming) I kind of got back in my groove. I read a total of 9 books today, which is better than normal this year. I am slowly but surely catching up to my goodreads goal.
As for personal life, things are pretty hectic. I finally put in my deposit for college (I'm going to UNC Chapel Hill and I cannot wait!!!) and now I am going through the housing process. The next chapter in my life is so close I can taste it. My courses should be taking a breather quite soon. After AP exams, we don't have anything to do. As long as I keep my absences low, I'm exempt from the finals because I'm a senior!
May should be a great month for me. The school year is almost done and I'll be able to read, relax, and hang out with my friends. I'm hoping that with this extra down time I start to hike a bit more. I'm not too experienced, but I have this hike I'm planning with my friends this summer and want to be prepared.
ANYWAYS, enough of my blabbering and let's recap the 9 books I've read! I tried to review all of the books I've read, and only missed three. You'll see these review this month though. :)
1) Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare
This is the second book in Clare's Infernal Devices Trilogy and I absolutely loved it! So far it is my favorite of all of Cassie's books, and as of now I am reading the last book in the trilogy. Cassandra's writing has improved so much throughout the series and I'm having so much fun. You can read more of my thoughts in my review, which is linked down below.
2) Better Than Perfect by Simone Elkeles
If I had one word to describe this book, it is ouch. This book hurt to read. I have loved Elkele's other books, and this was just a huge letdown. The characters were flat and cliche, and I didn't care for the plot or anything, really. This book wasn't horrible, but it wasn't good either.
3) The Last Virgin Standing
To be honest, I should have never read this book. There are some underlying themes that quite honestly go against everything I stand for. The whole book makes a game out of virginity. It is described as being "taken" and girls are objectified left and right. They are pawns in this sick game of high-schoolers trying to have sex with as many virgins as possible. I don't recommend this book at all if you believe in, I don't know, equality?? Hmm, what an interesting concept...
4) World After by Susan Ee
World After was so damned good. World After is the sequel to Angelfall, which I read just over a year ago and loved. I took some time in between so my expectations wouldn't be too high, and I'm glad I did! At first, I didn't remember much but it all came flooding back. This summer I am hoping to finish off the trilogy with End of Days.
5) City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare
City of Lost Souls is the fifth book in Clare's Mortal Instruments series. I'm reading her books by publication date, so I read this directly after reading The Clockwork Prince. I couldn't help but compare the two, and luckily they both shaped up! So far I am liking the trilogy more, but that has more to do with the characters, who I just care more about. Don't be surprised to see that I'll finish TMI and TID this May. :)
6) Alex, Approximately by Jen Bennett
Alex, Approximately was my favorite book of this month! It was a close call with this and The Clockwork Prince, which was astounding, but this takes the cake. It's been such a long time when I have just sat down and READ, and this book allowed me to do so. I was completely immersed in this story, and right when I get the chance, I am going to the bookstore and buying it. That's saying a lot, considering I'm a stickler and hate spending money!
7) By Your Side by Kasie West
By Your Side, though not my favorite of the month, was my best surprise. I read one book by West, The Fill in Boyfriend, and didn't enjoy it. At all. However, I really liked this one! Though the characters could have been fleshed out more, By Your Side was pure fun to read. I'm going to be reading more of West in the near future not to just form an opinion but because I'm genuinely interested now!
8) Death Sworn by Leah Cypess
Death Sworn is one of those books I know I won't remember too much by year's end. It was good, but not great. This fantasy novel didn't really stand out from the crowd, but I'm not mad at it either. The last portion of the book was done pretty well, and I will be continuing and finishing this series with its sequel relatively soon. If I feel like it, I might listen to the audiobook this May.
9) Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller
Mask of Shadows, unfortunately, was a huge disappointment for me. I just couldn't get into it no matter how hard I tried. There was nothing tying me down to the story; the whole time I read it I was reading something else I was more interested in. The characters and plot fell flat for me and I was uninterested. This book is about war and assassins, and I was bored out of my mind for most of it. However, the very end of the book was great. I don't think I'll be continuing on with the series, but I might check out more of Miller's books in the future because she holds promise!
Posts of the Month!
BOOK REVIEW | Pretty Fierce by Kieran Scott
March Wrap Up!
Author Q&A | Kieran Scott
Waiting on Wednesday #23
BOOK REVIEW | Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare
AUDIOBOOK REVIEW | Better Than Perfect by Simone Elkeles
Waiting on Wednesday #24
BOOK REVIEW | City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare
Waiting on Wednesday #25
Top 5 Wednesday | Authors I Want to Read More From
BOOK REVIEW | Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett
BOOK REVIEW | By Your Side by Kasie West
So, that was my April! How was yours? Have you read any of the books I managed to this April?
Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!