Cat Street by Yoko KamioThis was good, but it wasn't stand otu. I read it, I liked it, and I quickly moved on. Unlike some others in this list, Cat Street didn't really leave me with a lasting impact. every now and again it'll randomly pop in my head, but I didn't LOVE it.

Marmalade Boy
Marmalade Boy is one of my favorite mangas of all time. That's not saying much because I haven't read a ton (as you can see) but I just love this with all my heart. I don't know which one I like more, Fruits Basket or Marmalade Boy. Both of them are my loves. :D
Peach Girl
Peach Girl is a total guilty pleasure read for me. The manga has so much drama and back and forth, and it is everything I needed at the time I was reading it. I love Peach Girl for what it is, but it's not too impactful. I do love this love triangle, so I'd be willing to read some manga in the same vein.
Fruits Basket
Like I just mentioned, Fruits Basket is one of my favorite manga of all time. I don't know how I got into it, but i did. It was the first manga I read, and I absolutely loved it. I bought merch, even! This is rare for me, because I am super cheap. I have yet to own the whole series, but I hope to one day. That way I can put them all in my Fruits Basket travel bag!
Mermaid Melody

Full Moon o Sagashite

*Update: Just doing this post made me want to reread all the manga or rewatch all the anime I listed above! I think I know what I'll be doing this summer...
Started/Never Finished
I was actually really getting into this, and other things got in the way. I hope I remember enough to continue, and I'm sure that if I just started where I left off (I read the first four volumes) it wouldn't be too hard. This means that I only have 7 volumes left, which to be honest, I could knock out in a day if I wanted and if I was compelled enough.Boys over Flowers


VB Rose
I actually own the first 8 volumes of VB Rose! My fifth volume has been mysteriously missing though, which is a shame. I was really getting into this back in the days when Borders was opened. When the closed, I realized how expensive mangas were, especially if I was reading them in less than an hour. This series essentially just got sidetracked because I became cheap. However, I am super interested in getting back into this, and I distinctly remember everything, so it wouldn't be too hard to jump in.
Okay, so those are all the manga I've completed or read parts of!
If you have any recommendations for me, comment them down below! Thanks so much for stopping, and I'll see you soon with another post. :)
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!