Monday, December 31, 2018

2018 in Review | Most-Read Authors

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be looking back at my reading habits of 2018. I went into my goodreads challenge page and went through my list of 100-odd books and tracked down my most read authors. 

When getting this post ready, I really thought that I read several authors a lot. But it seems like I really just read three authors very frequently in 2018. Without further ado, here are my most read authors of 2018! 

Okay, so funny story I never actually finished a Jane Austen novel this yer. I read two of her novellas this year, Lady Susan and Love and Friendship. I also read half of Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, and Emma, and a couple chapters of both Mansfield Park and Persuasion. I had good intentions when it came to Jane Austen, but when I only had five days to read each book and other schoolwork, Austen went to the wayside. Even though I didn't get to finish any novels by her, I did spend a lot of time reading her books. I definitely want to finish Pride and Prejudice and Emma next year though! 

Oh Will...I read so many plays from his this year! I had a Shakespeare class and was quizzed every day, so I was held accountable (unlike my Jane Austen class). I never rated the plays, simply because I wasn't too sure how to rate them. Objectively, they were written masterfully. But subjectively, there were some plays I found dull. Either way, here are the 7 plays I read this year!
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream
  • Much Ado About Nothing
  • Measure for Measure
  • The First Part of King Henry V
  • Romeo and Juliet
  • Hamlet
  • Macbeth
After reading all these plays, I seriously deserve a break...maybe I'll actually watch an adaptation instead of reading the play! 

And here's the kicker...I read 11 books and 2 novellas written by Christina Lauren! I really just went crazy with CL this year, and I've enjoyed every single one of them. I haven't loved every single one of them, but they've all been entertaining. I'm actually in the midst of reading Love and Other Words, and I'm really loving it. While it may be the 26th as I'm writing this post, I'm mostly likely going to finish my 12th before the end of the year. Here is a list of everything I've read by the author duo.  
  • Beautiful Bastard (Beautiful #1)
  • Beautiful Stranger (Beautiful #2)
  • Beautiful Player (Beautiful #3)
  • Beautiful Bitch (Beautiful #1.5)
  • Beautiful Bombshell (Beautiful #2.5)
  • Sweet Filthy Boy (Wild Seasons #1)
  • Dirty Rowdy Thing (Wild Seasons #2)
  • Dark Wild Night (While Seasons #3) 
  • Roomies
  • Autoboyography
  • Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating
  • Dating You / Hating You
  • My Favorite Half Night Stand
Whew, what a list! Christina Lauren has taken over my life. I really need some more romance authors that speak to me like CL does. This next year I'm going to be on the lookout for some other romance authors. If you have any recommendations, please leave them down in the comments! 

Wonderfully, I would recommend every single book on this post! What are some of your most-read authors of 2018? 

Thank you so much for stopping by and I'll see you in the next year! 

Happy Reading and Happy New Year!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!