Wednesday, January 2, 2019

My 2019 Challenges!

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be talking about the reading challenges I'm going to do this year! Now, I'm usually horrible with reading challenges and keeping up with them, so I'm only doing two outside of my goodreads challenge. 

Without further ado, here are the three reading challenges that I am participating in this year!

1) Romanceopoly

In 2018, I absolutely devoured romance novels. I really found my groove reading romance. I would say that I now read romance half the time and YA the other half, so my reading tastes are definitely evolving. To help explore this new genre I've really only dipped my toes in, I'm going to be participating in Romanceopoloy. The readathon is pretty complex, so I urge you to go check out their website, here, which will explain it better than I ever will. 

Essentially, this is a romance-focused monopoly challenge. I am going to be a wanderer, which means I won't go the direct route of the map, but roll dice that will take me where I want to go. I'm going to set my sights high and attempt the native level, which means I'll end up reading 39 books for this challenge. It sounds like a lot, but I do read around 100 books a year, and I probably read around 50 romance books a year. As long as I make sure I'm doing the readathon all year long, I won't have too much of an issue! 

2) Discussion Challenge 

All of 2018 I saw some of my favorite bloggers do the discussion challenge, hosted by Feed Your Fiction and It Starts at Midnight. I've been wanting to do more discussion posts on this blog, but I'm always a little self conscious doing them. I'm normally not worried about my writing and if I sound smart on this blog (I'm just being myself!) but I get pretty anxious when it comes to discussion posts, because I tend to put a lot more time and effort into them. They do end up being my favorite posts despite this worry, and I hope that this blogging challenge will push me out of my worries! While I want to shoot for the highest level (41+ books), I don't know if I'll have the time because of my responsibilities at university. Instead, I'll be sticking to Chatty Kathy, which is 21 to 30 posts in one year! I think I can do this, especially if I reserve some time during the summer. 

3) Goodreads Challenge

And lastly, my annual goodreads challenge! I've been participating in the goodreads challenge since 2014, and I'm going to continue this year. I always do 100 books, and I'm going to do the same this year. I might have surpassed my 2018 challenge by 10 books, but I'm probably going to be busier this year, so I just wanted to keep it at 100! 

And those are all the challenges I'm participating in this year! Do we have any challenges in common? What challenges are you participating in? 

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post! 

Happy Reading and Happy New Year!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!