Monday, January 7, 2019

Backlist Book Review #1 | Restore Me by Tahereh Mafi

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! I'm Genni, and today I'll be starting a new series on my blog, the backlist book review! If you're like me, you read quicker than you write reviews. Books are read and never reviewed, and they just get the dreaded "review to come" on goodreads for months on end. In order to curb this habit and clean up my goodreads, I'm going to review a book I've read weeks, sometimes months, before that I never got a chance to review. 

Of course, as time goes on, details fade. So for these reviews, I'm not going to be writing in  paragraph format, as I normally do, but instead answer four questions: What was my rating, what is the book about, what do I remember, and does the rating still stand. 
Without further ado, here is my first backlist book review, on Restore Me by Tahereh Mafi. 

Title: Restore Me
Author: Tahereh Mafi
Series? Yes, the fourth book in the Shatter Me series
Pages: 435
Publication Date: March 6, 2018
Date Read: July 31, 2018
Publisher: Harper Collins
Source: I borrowed the hardcover edition from one of my friends.

What did I rate it?

Four out of five flowers!

What is it about? 

Restore Me is the fourth book in the Shatter Me series, and follows Juliette's struggles ruling a country after the ending in Ignite Me. Mafi expands on her world building and offers more insight into the world as Juliette learns about what she's actually dealing with. More characters are introduced and secrets are revealed, adding strain to Juliette and Warner's relationship. 

What do I remember?

I remember the big things, like the reveal at the end and what happened with Juliette and Warner. But I'm shaky on characters. I know that there were about 4 or 5 teenagers introduced in this book that are the children of world leaders, but I don't remember their importance. All I know is one of them was Warner's ex girlfriend. I do know what the climax was, but I don't know who died and who lived. I also can't tell you what happened to Kenji at all, even though he's my favorite character. 

Does the rating still stand?

I say yes! Even though I don't remember everything about the book, I remember enjoying it a lot and appreciating the world building. The world of the first Shatter Me books seemed like a big old question mark, and I like that we got some answers. I also really liked what happened with Juliette and Warner. They definitely have stuff to work out, and I think their dynamic is going to be really interesting in the fifth and sixth books. I did think that the reveal at the end was pretty obvious and I didn't have an emotional reaction to the deaths, which is why the book doesn't get a full five flowers from me.  

And that was my first backlist book review! What did you think? If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave them down below. 

Did you read Restore Me? What did you think?

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post soon! 

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!