Friday, July 1, 2016

June 2016 Wrap Up!

Hey everyone and welcome back! June was a great reading month for me! This is certainly correlated to having summer break. There were only a couple books that I didn't quite enjoy, but most of them I did really like!

Here are the twelve books I read, from worst to best! 

12.) Waterfall by Amber Garr
Unfortunately, I was disappointed with this. I wanted to get back into dystopian, and I was hoping that this would be the one for me. The plot was intriguing, but the execution was lacking. I gave this book 2 stars. Thanks again to Netgalley and Mark My Words Publishing for providing an ecopy of Waterfall in exchange for an honest review! Here is my review for the book.

11.) Virtuous by M.S. Force
I can't say whether or not I liked Virtuous. This was free on ibooks and I just picked it up on a whim. The novel does fly by (I read it in less than 12 hours), but there wasn't anything that made me invested in the story. I can see why so many people like the series, but this just wasn't for me. I gave Virtuous 2.5 stars.

10.) Just A Girl by Ellie Cahill

A full review of Just A Girl is coming, but I need to still gather my thoughts. I don't really know what I feel for this novel yet, hence the 3 star rating I gave it. I did enjoy the premise and I was invested in the story, but I felt the characters and romance were both one dimensional. Thanks again to Netgalley and Loveswept for providing an ecopy of Just A Girl in exchange for an honest review!

9.) In the Hope of Memories by Olivia Rivers
I liked In the Hope of Memories, but I didn't love it. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't connect or care for the characters as much as I wanted. There was only one point of view that I truly liked out of the four. However, I absolutely loved the last 20 percent of the book, which was a huge factor in the 3.25 star rating I gave the book.  Here is my mini review of the book! Thank you to Netgalley and Red Sparrow Press for the ecopy of the book!

8.) Saven Deception by Siobhan Davis
Saven Deception is a futuristic dystopian/sci-fi about Sadie, a girl in the lower class who thinks she has a brand new start in Thalassic City. My main issue is that the synopsis of Saven Deception reveals too much about the book. There is something revealed around the 60% mark that is explicitly in the blurb. I would've enjoyed the book more if I didn't know about that aspect beforehand. I did like this book, but I didn't like it as much as I hoped. Thanks again to Lola and Siobhan Davis for giving me an ecopy of the novel through Lola's Book Tours! I so far don't have an exact rating for this yet.

7.) The Crown by Kiera Cass
Aghh I don't really know how I feel about this. I mean, my ship sailed, but I couldn't really celebrate. I didn't feel as if there was enough time on the characters so by the time the book ended, I didn't really care. The book felt as if Cass through her hands up while writing and just said "fuck it." The Crown did entertain me, but it didn't do anything else for me, which is why I gave it only 3.25 stars.

6.) The Vincent Boys by Abbi Glines
The Vincent Boys is the first book in Glines' Vincent Boys trilogy. Though I did have flaws with several of the characters actions, it was a solid opening novel. I did have a ton of fun with the book, even though the plot sometimes rubbed me the wrong way. You can find my mini review here where I explain by 3.25 star rating in more detail.

5.) The Summer After You & Me by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski
I was not expecting to like The Summer After You & Me as much as I did! It was a breath of fresh air and such a good way to kick off my summer holiday. The characters themselves were beyond frustrating but the plot made up for it. While the book wasn't a standout summer contemporary, it did keep my interest piqued the whole time I read it, which led to by 3.5 star rating. My mini review is found with the link above as well.

4.) The Conspiracy of Us by Maggie Hall
I didn't really know what I was getting into with The Conspiracy of Us, but a nonstop mystery/thriller definitely wasn't it. This book exceeded my (low) expectations and I will for sure continue on with the series. You can find my full review here. I gave the book 3.75 stars.

3.) Withering Rose by Kaitlyn Davis
Talking about low expectations, I also had those for Withering Rose. This novel is actually a companion novel to the first book in the series, Gathering Frost, so I was a bit hesitant to pick up Withering Rose first. However, I was never confused while reading this and I had tons of fun. I absolutely adored the romance and I am looking forward to the next book! I gave this book 4 stars. Here is my review on the book! Once again, thanks to Netgalley and Xpresso Book Tours for giving me a copy of Withering Rose in exchange for an honest review! (I feel very redundant)

2.) The Replacement Crush by Lisa Brown Davis
The Replacement Crush is by far my favorite contemporary of the month with 4.25 stars! The characters were easy to relate to and the romance was so sweet. I actually found myself getting anxious for the characters and worrying about what was going to happen to them. My only con is that there was just a bit too much angst for me. Thank you to Netgalley and Entangled: Teen Publishing for providing an ecopy of the book in exchange for an honest review, which is here

1.) Let the Wind Rise (Sky Fall #3) by Shannon Messenger 
Last but most certainly not least is Let the Wind Rise, the final book in Messenger's trilogy. This book was sitting on the floor of my bedroom and on June 30th in the afternoon I just looked at it and decided it was time. I then made it a goal to finish it in one day (which I did!!) Let's just say I'm very proud of myself considering I already had plans that took up a good chunk of my day. This concluding novel did not disappoint and there is no doubt in my mind when I say this is one of my favorite YA trilogies. A full review will be coming! Since I'm riding on the high still, I'm just going to throw out a rating and hope it sticks. I give this book 4.5 stars!

Other Posts of the Month!

Waiting on Wednesday #3
May 2016 Wrap Up!
Discussion: Am I Becoming Too Harsh of a Critic?
TTT: Most Anticipated Releases for the Second Half of the Year
Currently Reading/TBR (June 2016)
Stacking the Shelves #1
TTT: Favorite 2016 Releases So Far!
Top Five Wednesday: My Favorite Posts
Infinity Dreams Award!
Make Me Read It Readathon!

And that is my June Wrap Up! What did you guys read this month?

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!