Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! I'm Genni and today I will be participating in Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by the Broke and Bookish. If you haven't checked them out, make sure you do!
So this week's topic is related to an earlier topic of underrated books. However, there are several definitions to an underrated book. So, to clean things up a bit, the prompt is instead our top ten books that have less than 2,000 ratings on goodreads. Looking through this, I found quite a few books on my goodreads that I think deserve more attention!
Here are my ten, in no specific order.
10.) Let the Wind Rise by Shannon Messenger
Let the Wind Rise is the final book in Messenger's Sky Fall trilogy. The first book has around 8,200 ratings, but this conclusion only has 342 ratings. I feel like the lack of promotion for the book affected the lack of ratings, though. I just read Let the Wind Rise yesterday (at the time I'm writing this) and I loved it. I thought it was such a great conclusion and I'm so happy I read it!
9.) The Sound of Us by Julie Hammerle
The Sound of Us was published just last month, and it has 86 ratings. I'm not too surprised that it has less than 2,000 because it is such a recent release, but I was surprised it has less than 100! Granted, the book just came out so the number is sure to rise. The Sound of Us was such a fun and easy read and I would recommend it to anyone who likes reading contemporary in the summer! :) Here is my review!
8.) Withering Rose by Katilyn Davis
Withering Rose is another recent release that came out in May this year. The book has 76 ratings at this time. I'm not surprised that this has less than 2,000 ratings because the first book in the series doesn't, but I think the series should get more attention! The novel had such a great mix of the original Beauty and the Beast tale and originality. Here is my review of the book.
7.) Boys Over Flowers Vol. 2 by Yoko Kamio
Okay, this one really surprised me! I feel like mangas aren't as popular on goodreads, but the first volume of Boys Over Flowers has roughly 13,400 ratings when volume two has roughly 1,400. However, a lot of the reviews for the first volume are actually reviews for the whole entire series, which might be the reason for such a big drop. Anyways, Boys over Flowers is such a popular manga series; it has 37 volumes! 37!! I've read the first five and really enjoyed the story.
6.) The Dead List by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Jennifer L. Armentrout is an extremely popular author, and her free novel on wattpad, The Dead List didn't disappoint. While I didn't enjoy it as much as some of her other works, the book has never been through edits or anything like it. So far The Dead List has around 1,500 ratings. You can find my review of the book here!
5.) One Paris Summer by Denise Grover Swank
One Paris Summer is also a new release that came out this June. so far, it has just over 200 ratings on goodreads. this novel is the epitome of a summer contemporary read. It was light and flew by so quickly. I feel as if the book has a little bit of something for everyone. Here is my review!
4.) Forbidden by Kimberely Griffiths Little
Forbidden is the first book in Kimberley Griffiths Little's Forbidden trilogy, which is set in 1759. I have never read a book so far back in history, and the Mesopotamia setting really breathed life into the book. Forbidden is a great start to this trilogy, and it should get more attention! The novel is essentially about a girl going against the rules of society in order to be and achieve what she wants. I cannot wait to read the second book when my library gets it in. My review for Forbidden can be found here!
3.) Every Last Promise by Kristin Halbrook
I have featured this book on quite a few of my TTTs. At the time I read it, which was a year ago, I really loved the book. I don't know if I would say the same now, but I am glad I stumbled upon the book! The novel only has around 760 ratings, but it is just as impactful as some other dark contemporaries out there.
2.) The Bridge from Me to You by Lisa Schroeder
Lisa Schroeder is an author of two of my favorite verse novels, I Heart You, You Haunt Me and Chasing Brooklyn. While The Bridge From Me to You is my least favorite of the three, I still absolutely love the book. I would recommend this to anyone who likes verse novels!
1.) Recovery Road by Blake Nelson
Last but not certainly not least is Recover Road by Blake Nelson. This is the most shocking one for me because there is a Freeform series based off of the book. While the series was cancelled, it seemed to not have garnered a lot of attention to the book. I called the book "absolute perfection" two years ago, and while I wouldn't use those words now, the book did move me at the time.
If you participated in TTT, make sure to link it down below!
Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!