At the time I'm writing this, I am about 30 pages into Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard! I just started this for the Make Me Read It Readathon after finishing November 9 this morning. I'm going to be up late tonight (hence why I'm writing this at 11 pm), so I hope that I can finish a good chunk of it by the time I go to sleep! I've been a bit nervous about reading this just because of all the mixed reviews. It seems as if everyone either loves the book, hates it, or thinks it is mediocre at best.

And that is what I am currently reading and planning to read for the rest of July! I'll be happy if I read 8 books. Marching band season starts in a couple days, so that will just take most of my time, and then I also have a class I'm taking during the summer for extra credit. So, I don't have the much time to really read!
What are you currently reading?
Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!
Happy Reading!
Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!