Friday, July 15, 2016

The Friday 56 with Book Beginnings! No. 5

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! Today I am participating in Friday 56 and Book Beginnings. They are hosted by Freda's Voice and Rose City Reader, respectively. 

The rules are simple for both. For the Friday 56, we turn to page 56 or 56% in our e-reader and highlight a passage of any book! Book Beginnings is where you feature the first sentence (or so) of a book and give your thoughts and impressions.

Book Beginnings

My choice for Book Beginnings this week is Flawed by Cecilia Ahern. I got this from my library a bit back, but I haven't been able to read it yet. I do want to get around to it before the school year starts later next month. Flawed is a YA dystopian, but I don't know too much besides that.

Friday 56
This passage is from November 9 by Colleen Hoover, an NA contemporary novel. This was my most recent read, and I really loved it. A full review will be coming soon if I can get my thoughts coherent enough. :) This passage is right when Fallon starts getting her confidence back, and it shows just how strong she really is. 

If you participated in either Friday 56 or Book Beginnings, feel free to leave your link down below and I'll go check it out! 

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see you soon with another post!

Happy Reading!

Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!